Platform: Chrome
Server number : S857
Character name : Hozuki Rei
UID: 300007726690582
Description of the problem you are experiencing : during strong approach [HARD} & [expert] phase 4 never loads and instead the entire team gets kicked, after phase 3 nothing happens for about a minute or 2 then we get the message (orochimaru attacked you are now offline). this happens everytime i do SA, with all kinds of people, i didn't have this issue until last week since then i've not been able to SA. please help, i enjoy playing the game, but this issue is holding me back quite allot, to the point where i don't know if i should continue spending money on the game.
Screenshot of the error page : Nothing really happens that i can show here.
Operating system : Windows 7
Screen resolution : don't know
Your computer time zone and your country : UTC +1 (The Netherlands)
Are you using VPN ? : No