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[ Bugs ] Official bug report thread


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-13 03:05:14Show All Posts

Platform: Mini client (though it is happening to everyone regardless of platform)

Server number: S-258 (though it is happening to everyone regardless of server)

Character name: Harcom

UID: 200000094673664

Description of the problem you are experiencing: The game keeps auto-disconnecting me from my account every 10-15 minutes while this message appears. I noticed it only happens during huge events where lots of people gather together (Sage World Battlefields, Great Ninja War, Nine Tails Invasion, Cat Quiz, Space-Time Tournaments). It doesn't seem to happen when the previously mentioned events aren't open.

Screenshot of the error page:


Operating system: Windows 10 Pro

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080

Your computer time zone and your country: Time zone = (UTC +8) Perth, Country = Australia

Are you using VPN?: No

This post was last edited by Harcom on 2018-05-13 03:09:28.
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