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[ Bugs ] Official bug report thread


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  • Registered: 2017-09-17
  • Topics: 28
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On 2019-03-01 07:20:08Show All Posts

Platform: Windows - MiniClient and Windows - Firefox

Server number: S942

Character name: Yveliitsu

UID: 300040832289838

Description: Stops loading at 14% followed by the error shown in the screenshot;

This has also been highlighted on the "Stuck at 14%" forum topic;


Operating System: Windows 10;

Screen resolution: 1920x1080;


No VPN is used;

  • Registered: 2017-09-17
  • Topics: 28
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On 2019-10-22 03:40:01Show All Posts

Platform: Mini Client

Server Number: S942 - Blue Snake

Character Name: YveliitsuThePseudonymikaze

UID: 300040832289838

Operating System: Windows 10

Screen resolution: 1920x1080

Computer TZ and Country: Central Time / US

Using VPN: Nope

Description: Dunno if this is on purpose or not but when I used growth scrolls in Survival Trial to clear it, Fateful Choice counted it as clearing a survival trial instance while Great Plates did not count it as clearing a survival instance. Edit: Konoha's Great Tree also has as clear survival trial requirement to get dew drops but I don't know if the same thing happened with that mechanic or not but I thought I'd mention it to look into as well. Thanks!

Annotation 2019-10-21 143623Annotation 2019-10-21 143654Annotation 2019-10-21 143735

This post was last edited by Arconysu van Re on 2019-10-22 03:56:31.
  • Registered: 2017-09-17
  • Topics: 28
  • Posts: 66
On 2019-11-03 09:39:22Show All Posts

Platform: Mini Client

Server #: 942

Character name: YveliitsuThePseudonymikaze

UID: 300040832289838

Description: Automatically puts me in PvP mode and cannot switch to Peaceful mode in Crow Forest during Rogue Ninja Outburst

Operating System: Windows 10

Screen resolution: 1920x1080 (sorry I couldn't upload a higher-res screenshot 'cause it kept timing out)

Comptuer TZ and Country: Central US (UTC -6) and US



  • Registered: 2017-09-17
  • Topics: 28
  • Posts: 66
On 2020-01-20 15:54:34Show All Posts

Problem: Nagato's Skill Breakthrough is greyed out and says unavailable even though it previously has been available.

EDIT: Figured out the tab will grey out if all skills available have their Y variant selected.

Platform: Mini Client

Server #: S942

Character name: YveliitsuThePseudonymikaze

UID: 300040832289838


Operating System: Windows 10

Screen resolution: 1920x1080

Time zone and Country: Central and US

Using VPN: No

This post was last edited by Arconysu van Re on 2020-01-25 11:57:51.
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