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[ Bugs ] Official bug report thread


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 5
On 2018-07-09 02:20:42Show All Posts

Platform: Mini-client, browser (Chrome, Firefox)

Server number: S53

Character name: ♠PairADice♠

UID: 200000085564071

Description of the problem you are experiencing: Generally slow loading whenever I click/enter interfaces and/or various events/instances. In particular, Arena is a *. The opposing team takes forever to become "visible" - they remain shadows/silhouettes late into round 1 or even round 2, and I can't see if, when and what jutsu they use. I have reinstalled client, updated Adobe Flash, cleaned cache, restarted computer, restarted router. It's definitely not my internet connection because I don't have latency or delay issues in other games.

Operating system: Windows 10 Home

Screen resolution: 1920x1080

Your computer time zone and your country: GMT+1, Scandinavian country

Are you using VPN?: No

Screenshots: SlowLoadSlowLoad2

These pictures are illustrations of a GOOD incident in arena. Can you imagine what a bad one is like?

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