Name of offender: Vermilion
Server ID : S797 Senju Secret Scroll
Short description of the situation : This player was given a senior position for our group but got mad at another senior and kicked out two of the group's trusted Elites in retaliation before leaving the group himself. He's been toxic to the the gaming environment for a while, including foul language in world chat, and private messages. Unfortunately, I no longer have the screenshots of his past transgressions but do have screenshots of the latest one where he kicked out two members of our group before leaving himself. I also admit that I should not have opened a confrontation in such a way, even with the fact that I was one of the Elites kicked out of the group. However, the other Elites that was kicked out and I can no longer participate in this week's Great Ninja War even though our group needs us to participate.
Screenshot/s as evidence :

This post was last edited by
K42 on 2018-11-05 19:33:25.