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[ Updates ] Event - Feedbacks 20th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 49
  • Posts: 1169
On 2017-07-21 16:20:54Show All Posts
Server : 291-306 merged one
Region : UK
Current BP : 60K
Event: Red Envelope
Opinion : The idea is not bad but the ratios are ridiculously low.
Reasoning : 10% to distribute to people in your group is a very very low amount. Let's say your group have no whales but only moderate spenders like mine. I cash for 2000 ingots (that for me or for other cashers in my group is a big quantity), what do we get? 200 coupons to give to people in the group and if i give it to 10 people they are just a miserable 20 coupons each one. Even if my group had 10 people that did it (and is not so for any group in my merged server whose population is not low at all) the result would be 200 coupons for 10 people in a week. For an anniversary event overall an event not friendly at all towards moderate cashers like me, this seems a joke, considering that last week for free we were able to gain 420 coupons from myoboku event.
Suggestions : Increase the ratio for distribution from 10 to 50 if not 100%, remove the minimum quantity of 10 coupons and let it last the whole week.

Event: naruto's froggy
Opinion: the payback is way too low and the higher tiers aren't appealing at all.
Reasoning: if I'm willing to cash 5000 ingots unless is my first time for me magatamas are completely useless even if level 5. The only reasonable one for a moderate casher like me was the 100 ingots one and even if i was able to get the 500 and 1000 if i wanted i didn't do because the rewards became worse in comparison with the expense. Maybe you don't get that we give zero value to level 1, 2, 3 magatamas when our ones are all level 5+ in every slot. The idea of seal fragments and charm packs fragments was good but i expect that if i spend 100 ingots and i get back in a week 1.8 seal scrolls and 1.2 charm packs then, if i spend 500 i get back at least 5 times that quantity and not less than twice.
Suggestions: let us get also the coupons every day and increase the ratio of the good things. Magatamas are not good things
This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ at 2017-7-21 16:22
Quicky Post

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