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[ Updates ] Event - Feedbacks 20th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 105
On 2017-07-21 05:49:09Show All Posts
Server : 332
Region : NY
Current BP : 44K
Events : All Anniversary Events
Opinion : Team is simply defused from community
Reasoning : This has to be the worse Anniversary I've ever seen in my entire life within a game. Never have I witness a line of events that ASKS the player to deposit and INVEST more money instead of gifting and giving away free things to the community. Just like Christmas, this event is only catered to P2W users, leaving the F2P Users in the dust. The two additional events are practically nothing and are non-announcements. This is honestly a slap to the face to the users and will only result in more people quitting. If ONLY the "Ability To Listen" was used, Oasis Games wouldn't be having so much problems with the community at hand. Just listen and give us what WE ask, not what you want. It's been a full year of mostly disappointments.

All that we ask is transparency and honesty. The ability to be able to express our concerns and our desires in the forum of actual events that are catered to BOTH communities, not P2W. The bulk of a community is F2P; alienate it and you'll only have complaints every week.
This post was last edited by God Revan at 2017-7-21 05:51
Quicky Post

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