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[ Updates ] Event - Feedbacks 20th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 53
  • Posts: 689
On 2017-07-21 09:25:24Show All Posts
Server : 67
Region : NY
Current BP : 55k
Events : All Anniversary Events
Reasoning / Opinion : The events are very 1 sided toward p2w players. F2p (main player base) hardly got anything and this is the 1 year anniversary. Also Make Out Paradise Kakashi seriously? We play and support your game and you couldn't give us a useful ninja? I would of been happy with a pain optional pack at least they would get some use. All Kakashi will be good for is transformation and most probably will do it once. I cannot recall one time you (Oasis) have given us any useful ninja. I know we aren't supposed to mention other version of the game, but you should learn from China because they know how to keep there player base happy (Both p2w and f2p). Then most of the redemption prices if not all of them are overpriced. Honestly is this how you treat people who have stayed a full year with this game even after all the drama? I don't want to rant too much, but the way this game is headed you will have to make that Call for Duty event permanent because you do not listen to the players feedback. If you say you do then why are both f2p and p2w people quitting? This was a huge disappointment of an anniversary. Even mobile games have better anniversaries then this just look at Bleach Brave Souls and Dokkan Battle.
Quicky Post

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