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[ Help ] Lucky dice


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On 2017-07-21 05:04:02Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So , I returned to the game quite recently , and I know the lucky dice event is one of the best to spend coupons on , but as of recently I don't know the price ranges of ninjas that come to that event
With 2k coupons is it possible to get a good ninja out of it?
Also when does the lucky dice event comes? is it at the end of the month or at the beggining ? (I think it is a set cycle every month no?)
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On 2017-07-21 05:12:31Show this Author Only
Lucky Dice/Lucky Board appears usually on the first week of every month! 2k coupons is quite a bit but I would recommend using it for power and in events that offer great rewards. An example is as you said, the Lucky Board, but make sure that the redemption prizes on the Lucky Board is something you want before spending on it.

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On 2017-07-21 05:13:44Show this Author Only
It usually comes in the first week of the month or sometimes might come just before the month ends depending on prev event although I think the latter only happened once. As for ninja I don't think you can get any for 2k. I think Sage Jir is like 12 points per frag and on average you get around 55-60 points per 10 throw so you can do the math based on his frags if you need him.
Danzo is around 20-25.
Sage Naruto I think is 45 but I don't remember.
Dpb Hidan was something like 60 per frag.
I recall Edo Haku being there for maybe 30 per frag so at 900 points you will be able to get him with 2k
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On 2017-07-21 05:13:47Show this Author Only
You mean lucky board? They usually come around the first week of the month.
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On 2017-07-21 05:19:16Show this Author Only
Lucky board comes usually at the first week of a month. For 2k coupons you can get 100 dices, which will give you somewhere between 500-750 points. I think the cheapest ninja Ive seen was Pain Gakido, which costed 10points/frag (so 800/ninja, which is 800/5*20= 3200 coupons with the lowest possible point roll (no function grid)). There was also sage jiraya for 13 points and danzo around 25 points.

I dont know what team u r using, what ninja do u have or need, so the best bet is wait for a mission mobilisation event, which gives away up to 1050 points for free (then u can buy 10 points for 20cp in the shop) and get free ninja frags there. Same rule applies to any other event in which u can redeem ninja frags basically for free. Then, once u r close, u can consider getting the rest frags for coupons. Remember, that every ninja, even those which were viable in 1.0 and are long forgotten now are still expensive if u dont spend. Getting a ninja from scratch during free events takes about 1-2months (for example sage naruto).
Also smart (but time consuming) method is hoarding coupons for lucky board, but spending them ONLY when theres a ninja in redeemable that u want, not just some random that u will never use.

tl;dr u wont get a good ninja for 2k coupons.
This post was last edited by Zathroth at 2017-7-21 05:21
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 05:28:52Show this Author Only
Hm , Since i re-started , I don't really have a team yet , I only have a tobirama , but that's it the rest it's disposable.
I thought that with 2~3k coupons i'd be able to get a decent ninja , seems not , I wanted to save some coupons for lucky board event so I can start building up a decent team , but it seems I won't be getting something from there.
Since im getting a lot of replies here , i'll ask c_c , but then what's the best use for my coupons? by lucky board event (around 3rd of august) I might have around 3k coupons , I don't need any specific ninja , just a strong reliable ninja , so I'm pretty open about it.
thaks for all the help guys :)
This post was last edited by 101***@google at 2017-7-21 05:34 This post was last edited by 101***@google at 2017-7-21 05:34
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On 2017-07-21 13:01:00Show this Author Only
The best use for your coupons is to buy items.

Save for Treasure of Sage/Mission Generalization imo.

You can get discounts from the first one, and ninja frags+items from the second.
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On 2017-07-21 13:55:46Show this Author Only
It would be best for you to redeem all medium refines instead of ninjas.
Then wait for refine event, preferably the new one giving you rewards for amount of refines used. If you manage to get 500 refines before using them you will also get a red chakra rune.
Though if you go for 500 I guess it would be best to wait both refine events to be on.
Plenty of waiting - yes, but it definetely is the most efficient way to use them.
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On 2017-07-21 15:53:14Show this Author Only
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-07-21 13:55:46
  • It would be best for you to redeem all medium refines instead of ninjas.
    Then wait for refine event, preferably the new one giving you rewards for amount of refines used. If you manage to get 500 refines before using them you will also get a red chakra rune.
    Though if you go for 500 I guess it would be best to wait both refine events to be on.
    Plenty of waiting - yes, but it definetely is the most efficient way to use them.
Red chakra rune?
I am pretty sure it was gold since i did reach 500 and i don't remember getting red chakra pack.
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On 2017-07-21 16:30:41Show this Author Only
  • Blackami974 On 2017-07-21 15:53:14
  • Red chakra rune?
    I am pretty sure it was gold since i did reach 500 and i don't remember getting red chakra pack.
It is, infact, an orange chakra rune pack, not a red one.

Anyways, to reply to the question: no with 2k you won't get any good ninjas and imho is better to not buy any ninjas with coupons unless you are a whale. Now lucky board have charm packs in it, so redeem all of them and if you are with some leftover coupons then buy medium refinements. If you use 2000 coupons in lucky board you will get more than 100 dices because every time you touch a reroll or checkpoint you get 1 more. In average with 20 dices used you get 2 more for free. This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ at 2017-7-21 16:31
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