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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 04:09:47Show All PostsDescending Order
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Can someone tell me a team that will counter Mabui, GNW 1010, mei and water. This bs is DISGUSTING and so cheap, only losers that can't win spam this cancer everywhere. I have one team that kinda works but when they put their lineup at the bottom row it doesn't always work.
I'm so disgusted by this and what kind of cheap rat would continually run this that, without any exaggeration, when I see this for the first few seconds my brain feels like it shuts down and I freeze and I feel like I'm about to vomit in my own mouth.
I hate these cheap tactics. So pathetic, PLS tell me someting good so I can continually run it andd just mess everything up for these "people".
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 04:36:39Show All Posts
  • AhMazeln On 2017-07-21 04:30:56
  • I could say the same thing for most of the lightning teams out there, pure cancer ;)

    The 1010 team, easily countable if you just use this nfity thing called your brain.
Like I said, I have one thing that works but I want something that always works. So unlike the others who are being helpful, regardless of whether or not I already knew those things, you can go dig a hole and lay in it. I didn't say anything about blitz teams, they are their own cancer but if you don't like it then piss off and make your own post about them instead of being useless here.
I fogot to add the ":)" :))).
This post was last edited by 642***@facebook at 2017-7-21 04:38
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 05:08:55Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-21 04:58:38
  • I smell saltiness.

    Yea, did you get your *ss handed to you in sage? or maybe in spacetime?

    Oh so sorry you coudn't win, Ill tell you a secret ok pumpkin? If you want to win in pvp you need only 2 things: power and initiative.

    Get the initiative to have a faster move 1 and an immobile chase and you stop tenten team in its tracks. Many meta teams that do this including FM, danzo iruka SN. LM can kill mabui if you have a faster move 1.

    But then you will complain agianst teams with sasuke susanoo and ay right? or triple healers with 5ft hokage? or why not teams with higher BP than you?

    Stop whining aboout a meta lineup that's easy to get. About the ONLY meta lineup easy to get which is not LM blitz. Also it is going nowhere since it will stil work with the new ninjas.
Nope, I win about 50/50 against them and I already know those things. And I'm safe in saying everyone hates triple heals and blitz except those who have great ini or those who are fighting someone much stronger in ST.
That aside, piss off if you don't want to be useful... pumpkin. Lol gtfo of here with your dumb sht.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 05:30:45Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-21 05:23:43
  • Oh so you already know all that?

    Then you knoe everything people told you in this thread. Thus you only posted it to rage about the water meta. To diss players that use the only afordable meta team to f2p.

    In other words just to make a toxic thread.

    Since you already know everything can a mod please close this thread? Its pointless and toxic.
I was hoping for some good lineups like I think I asked in the post however I won't discourage ppl from being helpful with ways of combating this team.
If anything it seems like you're the one * posting here bcs you might even play that cancer... or not idk why you're here tbh. I was just hoping for some insights I might have missed, from the more experienced players.
Have fun doing whatever made you post here. You aren't my concern.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 05:53:06Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-21 05:49:37
  • I came to tell you how people beat me. Didn't you read my first post?

    Also yes i do use water meta. And i don't like a salty prick like you calling other users, including me, and i quote:

    " DISGUSTING and so cheap"

    "losers that can't win" (ironic seeing you can't win against it yourself)

    "cheap rat"

    "So pathetic"

    So yea i take offense to that.
That's fine by me, you can have your opinion. I still see it as cheap and desperate but ok.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 15:30:14Show All Posts
So from what I understand and the things I already knew, either go for some meta team myself like blitz or for some weird crappy combination of ninjas that include chakra stealing or immobilise but that won't be a all round balanced team. Well thanks anyway. I'll have to think about what I want to do now.
Quicky Post

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