I smell saltiness.
Yea, did you get your *ss handed to you in sage? or maybe in spacetime?
Oh so sorry you coudn't win, Ill tell you a secret ok pumpkin? If you want to win in pvp you need only 2 things: power and initiative.
Get the initiative to have a faster move 1 and an immobile chase and you stop tenten team in its tracks. Many meta teams that do this including FM, danzo iruka SN. LM can kill mabui if you have a faster move 1.
But then you will complain agianst teams with sasuke susanoo and ay right? or triple healers with 5ft hokage? or why not teams with higher BP than you?
Stop whining aboout a meta lineup that's easy to get. About the ONLY meta lineup easy to get which is not LM blitz. Also it is going nowhere since it will stil work with the new ninjas.