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[ Events ] Give oasis a chance?


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On 2017-07-21 04:21:16Show this Author Only
  • ryano On 2017-07-20 21:15:09
  • Tyty I do appreciate it and that was my concern I knew what to expect with events from here but was expecting the kakashi to be 3 star at least so we could attempt to have fun with him and I do agree I feel bad for the mods being stuck in the middle of this:( , and when players log on i feel tons more rage is comming lol these were just the early ppl This post was last edited by ryano at 2017-7-20 21:41
True mods get yelled at but its not their fault at all every one should be mad at oasis and the devs that work on the game. They are the * that is ruining it for every one.
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On 2017-07-21 04:23:10Show this Author Only
  • TheWakkaSage On 2017-07-21 04:21:16
  • True mods get yelled at but its not their fault at all every one should be mad at oasis and the devs that work on the game. They are the * that is ruining it for every one.
Please not negativity, I made this thread for suggestions and let them have a chance. I know it can't be fixed fast for the anniversary events so can we please wait till next week and maybe they will change something.
I agree this week for anniversary is horrible, but next week is never to late. Lets just be all patient and hope starting next week events will improve :)
This post was last edited by Zelina at 2017-7-20 15:24
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On 2017-07-21 04:24:04Show this Author Only
  • Narluc On 2017-07-21 04:18:34
  • Im sorry but who do you mean by who everyone works for oasis?
    Moderators, assistants, PG, GL. Can't fix any of the events or change anything, it's not their fault.
Im not talking about mods and such. Im talking about the devs that determine what events we get. They are garbage and have no clue how to run a game right. This game is dying fast and the only thing they care about is money. I know the mods dont have a say at least they try to suggest stuff but in the end the devs dont listen to *.
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On 2017-07-21 04:24:28Show this Author Only
  • Narluc On 2017-07-21 04:18:34
  • Im sorry but who do you mean by who everyone works for oasis?
    Moderators, assistants, PG, GL. Can't fix any of the events or change anything, it's not their fault.
True that they can't go in themselves to fix problems, but they do have a voice. As well as they do have power.

The devs ask the mods for feedback all the time, who ask the GL for feedback all the time. If they all just stopped telling the devs everything is peachy then things would get done.

In an extreme case lets say that they really want to create change, they could band together and do a strike. They don't get paid in money so their lively hood is not at stake. Losing all their moderators and such would be a big hit to the company and get the point accross.
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On 2017-07-21 04:28:40Show this Author Only
So why should we hope next week, an irrelevant week is better?

This was the anniversary week, the day/week they should actually be thanking and showing appreciation to the people who stuck through all this BS over the past year, but what do we get? Pretty much a pat on the *, and a "fill our wallets even more"

There is no 'give them another chance' time and time again they screw us over, see only, when people say 'just wait' or 'give them a chance' and saying not to last out about things, if we dont, then nothing will change, they'll think all is well and dandy.

Its absolute BS what they did this week, and they could have the best week ever next week, but know what? Myself, or MANY others what give a single F about it because what is next week? Anything special? No, its not, this was the special time for them to do something, and they spit in our faces, and laughed the entire time.

Is sad and pathetic, please, stop trying to defend them, it will only make things worse in the long run.
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On 2017-07-21 04:30:38Show this Author Only
  • ScarbucksCoffee On 2017-07-21 03:21:08
  • Uh...

    Not sure how to reply to this.

    But somewhat back on topic, I'm tired of seeing people dismissing the F2P playerbase as being whiny idiots. When did voicing an opinion suddenly become whining? Was the American Revolution just a bunch of whiners?
    As for giving Oas another chance... I really don't know. I kinda feel like Oas is driving a bus through a minefield, and we're all passengers.
    This post was last edited by Scarbucks Coffee at 2017-7-21 03:24
LOL, I was laughing when I watched your comment....what else can f2p do except whining? or let me rephrase the meaning of whinning in f2p perspective : justify their salty speech by giving subjective opinion. Apparently, their speech is just talking about themselves instead of contributing to the forum. In this point, both p2w and f2p who want more benefit from event are the same kind of selfish person. p2w is bunch of whale doing whale stuff...they put more thing in the game than the f2p but the real different between f2p and p2w is that... p2w will just leave the game without leaving any comment in forum coz they think its not worth at all...only leave the game is their only opinion while f2p is bunch of idealists who thought they can change the game by whining in the forum or doing some "leave-threat" revolution to demand more benefit even if they are no longer play this game... You should look at the forum about f2p's speech like " I am a f2p, I never spend any in this game, I am so proud of being f2p" seriously, who care about whether you pay or not..also, someone say "Oasis, you have one more week b4 i leave the game" Again, Who care whether you leave or not...not even Oasis will care...they have whale feeding their company. It oblivious that Leaving is the only option for this game...while whining is just a hypocritical behavior which they thought they can change the game and also a psychological compensation from what the receive unfairness in the game (tho they spend zero in the game).
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On 2017-07-21 04:35:09Show this Author Only

I know this weeks anniversary was bad, and im truly sorry about that.

But I didn't create this thread for negativity, I created this thread for suggestions and for them to have a chance.
I know alot of players are upset including me but please can we stop the negativity and show positivity.

Yes, this weeks anniversary events are ruined but its never to late for them to improve events starting next week! Creating events and change them takes alot of time. So can we all please be patient and just have hope in them a little longer, let's all just wait for events patiently and hope starting next week will be fair and awesome events!

Im really sorry that events are bad but can we please be positive. This post was last edited by Zelina at 2017-7-20 15:36
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On 2017-07-21 04:37:35Show this Author Only
  • AhMazeln On 2017-07-21 04:28:40
  • So why should we hope next week, an irrelevant week is better?

    This was the anniversary week, the day/week they should actually be thanking and showing appreciation to the people who stuck through all this BS over the past year, but what do we get? Pretty much a pat on the *, and a "fill our wallets even more"

    There is no 'give them another chance' time and time again they screw us over, see only, when people say 'just wait' or 'give them a chance' and saying not to last out about things, if we dont, then nothing will change, they'll think all is well and dandy.

    Its absolute BS what they did this week, and they could have the best week ever next week, but know what? Myself, or MANY others what give a single F about it because what is next week? Anything special? No, its not, this was the special time for them to do something, and they spit in our faces, and laughed the entire time.

    Is sad and pathetic, please, stop trying to defend them, it will only make things worse in the long run.
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On 2017-07-21 06:06:52Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-21 06:55:55Show this Author Only
OP seems to be very new or just barely played lol
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On 2017-07-21 07:17:18Show this Author Only
To the OP, how long have you been playing, and how much have you kept up with the game? Oasis needs ANOTHER chance? lol wait, what?
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On 2017-07-21 07:24:46Show this Author Only
  • JustAClone On 2017-07-21 07:17:18
  • To the OP, how long have you been playing, and how much have you kept up with the game? Oasis needs ANOTHER chance? lol wait, what?
Ikr I've kept a close eye on what she's been posting the past couple of days since I came back to NA's forum and I'm pretty sure the she's either too nice or has no clue what the hell she's talking about. :lol
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On 2017-07-21 07:36:29Show this Author Only
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-07-21 07:24:46
  • Ikr I've kept a close eye on what she's been posting the past couple of days since I came back to NA's forum and I'm pretty sure the she's either too nice or has no clue what the hell she's talking about. :lol
I dont act childish... Thats why I created this so yall people can stop negativity and act like an adult.
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On 2017-07-21 08:00:36Show this Author Only
lol finally something positive :lol personally I don't think the events are bad but I don't think it's that special either considering that it's suppose to be an anniversary events... it's just like another event :L
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On 2017-07-21 08:02:57Show this Author Only
  • ☆Kyo★ On 2017-07-21 08:00:36
  • lol finally something positive :lol personally I don't think the events are bad but I don't think it's that special either considering that it's suppose to be an anniversary events... it's just like another event :L
Yea I agree!
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On 2017-07-21 08:12:06Show this Author Only
You can hardly stop negativity, when it clearly shows who is benefitial on this deal a.k.a anniversary. No adult is gonna be happy if on his birthday he has have to buy his own presents. We all are part of the game, but not everyone can enjoy the anniversary to the fullest.
My wife would throw me out the house if i told her i spend more money to get 80 fragments of some ninja, then i did last month on my car. I cant even say ninja to her lol.

I wasnt expecting nothing, but at least a new ninja to enjoy playing with for some time, not the same 4 ninjas i do for last 2 months.
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On 2017-07-21 08:22:06Show this Author Only
The negativity is direct result of lazy and unprofessional manner in which Oasis handled this. They had a year to prepare but what we ended up was some really bad copypasted events and bonanza of non concurrent spending events. The message im seeing here from SOME people is like blaming a victim .Oh players are just whiny children who dont appreciate what they are given. WE have given oasis a chance time and time again and all they have shown so far is how little they actually care. Anyone who would say otherwise is either an Oasis plant account or hasnt played this game enough to see the continual lack of transparency care and sometimes actual disdain for the player base. P.S: IF they want to be given a chance start by showing real change fire your incompetent relative who is using google translate to translate our events and hire a person who is qualified to do this job. Maybe actually give us mood scrolls in the group wheel? We know you can make changes and deploy hotfixes when it suits you.
And Zelina you just sound like you are either an Oasis Apologist or just * person who cant see the forest for the trees.

This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-7-21 08:28
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On 2017-07-21 08:25:30Show this Author Only
I always give a chance but how long? Thats my question :lol
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On 2017-07-21 08:28:39Show this Author Only
This thread is steadily getting off topic.
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On 2017-07-21 08:33:27Show this Author Only
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-21 08:28:39
  • This thread is steadily getting off topic.
You are right, it is starting to get off topic. I implore you guys to send your feedback here.

It really helps me and everyone on the team!

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