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[ Events ] Events - 20th July


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On 2017-07-21 01:36:21Show this Author Only
Lol, More effort was put into the Easter Event then this Anniversary. This post was last edited by mic*** at 2017-7-21 01:42
*edit* And that was minimal effort if we are being honest. As well as make us work for it being on during a certain time to collect eggs
This post was last edited by mic*** at 2017-7-21 01:43
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On 2017-07-21 01:41:33Show this Author Only
  • sk8erboil On 2017-07-20 22:59:41
  • I have to say...this week is so boring....another normal week with normal recharge chill week confirmed.
    Event feedback : 1. "Naruto online ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY"- this event is bad....why can't I redeem medium refine or advance refine more than 10? that doesn't make sense at all. 3/10
    2. New treasure and seal scroll rebate- both of them create a good synergy and if you want han....go for it now. it rare to see the event like that seal scroll happen in the same time. 7/10
    3. Again.....good synergy with recharge event..not bad at all : 7/10
    4.Mad Anniversary : free stuff...what else can I say? 8/10
    5. "Naruto's Froggy" : this event is half and half.....I don't know what to say...based on value of each package...they are more likely 10% than their actual value..take 5000 ingot as an example : you can get 1000 after you bought it and then with 6 day total reward of 18 seal scroll (1800) 6(5* magatama)(cost like somewhat 200-250)(1200-1500) and then 30 lv 3 summon rune with value like 1500-2000 something....generally speaking..its just ok reward for p2p....6/10
    7. RNG stuff...not recommend...2/10
    8.Consumption Wheel---this awful.....bad reward...not even worth to spend...I guess two 10 time...the best reward is just either summon scroll or 2 advance refine.... just not so good...6/10
    Overall 6-7/10 recharge chill week confirmed...

    Aside from the event feedback, you guys f2p that cried in the forum are really toxic...nothing you guys contribute to the forum or game..but salty and toxic speech that poison the community. WTH is those I am gonna leave this game...oasis? Why don't you just leave then? No one force you to spend then...all the
    reason that you can still play in this game is because p2w has already paid for your game. And yet, you guys are still crying when both f2p and p2w doing the same routine of exam.and then surviving trial....those event are extra content....What kind of fun you expect?hmmm?same as Dota2 or LOL?then, why don't you just play guys forget about this is just web game...not MMORPG or even FPS...don't get too excited or put too many expectation on it.
Im actually going to waste, 5 minutes on my time replying to you, since you claim yourself to be p2w...

1st you act like arrogant little brat.
2nd just cuz u pay 1000+ euros a month, doesnt mean you own f2p.
3rd Been searching for your posts, more than half of them are just spewing useless and pointless stuff, like "quit the game".

and Frank Underwood says in House of Cards....

"You are entitled to nothing"
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On 2017-07-21 01:43:13Show this Author Only
  • ChaosBlade187 On 2017-07-21 01:36:21
  • Lol, More effort was put into the Easter Event then this Anniversary. This post was last edited by mic*** at 2017-7-21 01:42
    *edit* And that was minimal effort if we are being honest. As well as make us work for it being on during a certain time to collect eggs
    This post was last edited by mic*** at 2017-7-21 01:43
there's no effort even on that one, it's mainly translation and that's it, they do few tweaks here and there regarding prizes and that's it, majority of the coding is done, by tencent.
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On 2017-07-21 01:45:37Show this Author Only
I don't even man.

I don't even know what to say at this point.
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On 2017-07-21 01:46:51Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-07-21 01:43:13
  • there's no effort even on that one, it's mainly translation and that's it, they do few tweaks here and there regarding prizes and that's it, majority of the coding is done, by tencent.
i know there was really none put in. It is a point, that an anniversary means nothing to them. Only $$$
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On 2017-07-21 02:02:54Show this Author Only
wow u guys seriously screwed up this SO bad,

Red envelope is the only thing that is nice for my fellow F2p in my group but it only last a day and cannot be combined with Shinobi Feast, so clearly whats the point.
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On 2017-07-21 02:06:30Show this Author Only
  • Going All The W On 2017-07-21 00:09:15
  • IF ANYONE IS READING THIS... speaking in behalf of 10 friends that are recharging regularly ... put the shinobi feast tomorrow and connect them to the envelope event.. we deserve that much. I really thought im gonna have a great time today with this game... Well we were so wrong. No one will recharge just the fact that u put Iruka... 3 frags srsly... 3 frags.... in that platinum recharge.. shame on you really.
I felt exactly like you. minus that red envelope and shinobi feast not being combined, this anniversary shiet means nothing, its like every other day, what anniversary shiet.
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On 2017-07-21 02:10:55Show this Author Only
Oh well, jokes on us for thinking week after week maybe things will change for the better. I'm just gonna stay F2P til they decide to make things more fair.
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On 2017-07-21 02:29:35Show this Author Only
I'm just going to say my peace. The events are a disappointment for me because for an anniversary event it doesn't seem inclusive. I'm not upset about getting free ninja, (I'm just grateful they finally put GNW Sakura in the sign-in), I'm not upset about not getting 3.0, and I'm not even upset at some of the events they put out. (Like the water gun thing, and the arena.) However, if most of your events for an anniversary just cater to a percentage of your fan base it alienates the rest. That's pretty much what I feel in a nutshell.
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On 2017-07-21 02:33:09Show this Author Only
Ok I was told to try the events out for myself before passing judgement, well since most of the events are strictly p2w I can't/won't try those events out. As a person who is strictly f2p now this anniversary is *. I have seen better anniversary events on mobile games (Bleach Brave Souls, Dokkan Battle, ect...) where they actually care about both sides of their playerbase (f2p and p2w).
Honestly if this game keeps continuing down the path it is going I foresee many more players quitting. We all know why you guys made the Call For Duty event and those players quit because the game is headed in the wrong direction. My server was filled with people when we got merged a while back, but now we may have 40-50 active player who play daily. Even our biggest spender quit playing daily and you barely see him on twice a week. Is it so hard to listen to your playerbase Oasis? Majority of them are f2p, but yet you treat them like a second hand toy. I know you need money to run the game, but eventually you will lose even more f2p players then the p2w player will stop spending because what will be the point of it if there is no one on your server to beat?
Edit: Giving us 2 events tomorrow with free stuff is nice not gonna complain, but still had higher hopes. Free stuff is free stuff I guess, but the damage has already been done. Many players including myself mainly wanted a useful ninja, but instead you ignore us and give us a useless one and the developers want our feedback??? What is the point if it is always ignored. Take notes from other games and show gratitude to BOTH playerbases instead of just one side. Even if I was solely a p2w player the events are still not that great.
EDIT (again): Also want to add the redemption prices are garbage especially on the one year anniversary event. The ramen costs 10 coupons and med refine is 3 points making it 30 coupons when it costs 25 in the shop. Adv refine costs 5 points meaning 50 coupons and it costs 38 in the shop. Adv thread 8 points meaning 80 coupons costs 63 coupons in the shop... Everything is overpriced and has low redemption caps. Is this really how you treat the loyal people who stay with you this entire year?

This post was last edited by Koncept at 2017-7-21 02:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 02:35:33Show this Author Only
lol Lasts weeks Mount Myobuku event was better than anything this week
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On 2017-07-21 02:37:03Show this Author Only
  • ChaosBlade187 On 2017-07-21 02:35:33
  • lol Lasts weeks Mount Myobuku event was better than anything this week
So true!

This very special week is worse than just a random week
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On 2017-07-21 02:52:17Show this Author Only
For the frog event if we deposit, do we get the ingots we put in back?
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On 2017-07-21 02:53:30Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2017-07-21 02:52:17
  • For the frog event if we deposit, do we get the ingots we put in back?
Nope, it's a spend event worded poorly. :P This post was last edited by Trahma at 2017-7-21 03:28
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On 2017-07-21 03:12:47Show this Author Only
Man now regret NOT spending my coupons last week.Could have gotten Sailor Sakura,2 clothings.with just 6 k
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On 2017-07-21 03:40:14Show this Author Only
Good God, those additional events for tomorrow are just *! What's so special about them? it's the same as any other weekly event, with same rewards and all. So much for listening to the players... Bravo oasis, I would've preferred the Myoboku event again. :(
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On 2017-07-21 03:51:24Show this Author Only
i spend on this game but seriously iruka .... why do you make such useless events.
PS your consumption wheel is "broken" again, no1 is winning coupons again but i guess you knew that. but atleast last time you gave ppl a day with the event before you started scamming them.
This post was last edited by nai*** at 2017-7-21 03:58 This post was last edited by nai*** at 2017-7-21 03:58
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On 2017-07-21 04:22:44Show this Author Only
not going to complain but no one's really recharging during the red envelope event in our group (who are heavy p2p's and pokemon collectors)

the itachi wheel in 2 days gives min 30% return rebate, so why would spenders recharge now? unless they want to toss away that 10% to group members.

but i see what you guys did here, the min max rebate is 10+20% or 30% which is identical return % compared to certain weeks with the same wheel event
*edit: I personally have not recharged in a very long time as the game diminishes heavily on what you spend on.
I was considering recharging this week as hopes to triple dip (red evenlope rebate, recharge wheel, plat recharge), however the first 2 recharge events do not overlap, and as a heavier spender back then, I do not need any more Iruka frags as I had him 5* back in November.

You guys could have given a kage ninja or perhaps even a cheaper event ninja as the 2nd tier in the Plat recharge.
These events seem to be directed towards heavier spenders (i.e. those who spend $100's a week) but most of these heavier spenders I see in my server already have a 5* Iruka. So in conclusion I will not be putting my money into this week's event (although I wanted to)
This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-7-21 04:27
This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-7-21 04:28
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On 2017-07-21 06:14:28Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-07-20 17:14:47
  • I have some questions since i wasn't able to understand them by reading the announcement:

    1) how actually the deposit thing works? Lets say i put in 1000 ingots, i can claim the reward every day for 7 days or i claim it once and i have to put in again other 1000 ingots tomorrow to claim again tomorrow? And at the end of the day/week do i get the ingots back or not? And can i claim also the lower rewards (so the 500 and 100 ones) or only the specific one for 1000 ingots and if i want also the 500 and 100 i have to put in another 600 ingots?

    2) how the red envelope works? To give a chance to my group friends to get coupons do i actually lose my coupons or do i give them something i can't claim at all for myself even if i wanted?

    Thanks for your replies. This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ at 2017-7-20 17:17

to answer your questions.
1. You will get the coupon reward immediately once, and the the remaining items are claimable for the next 6 days. Edit : Thanks to Clazsic : Your ingot will be consumed based on the amount deposited (Purchased) which in return you will receive the coupon as immediate reward and the items claimable for next 6 days. I hope this is clear enough.

2. The 10% of your recharge value is a bonus, it won't be deducted from the ingot you've recharged and it will be for everyone in the group to grab as long as the value grabbed isn't maxed yet.

Thank you. This post was last edited by Acer1 at 2017-7-21 11:27
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On 2017-07-21 06:56:25Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2017-07-21 02:33:09
  • Ok I was told to try the events out for myself before passing judgement, well since most of the events are strictly p2w I can't/won't try those events out. As a person who is strictly f2p now this anniversary is *. I have seen better anniversary events on mobile games (Bleach Brave Souls, Dokkan Battle, ect...) where they actually care about both sides of their playerbase (f2p and p2w).
    Honestly if this game keeps continuing down the path it is going I foresee many more players quitting. We all know why you guys made the Call For Duty event and those players quit because the game is headed in the wrong direction. My server was filled with people when we got merged a while back, but now we may have 40-50 active player who play daily. Even our biggest spender quit playing daily and you barely see him on twice a week. Is it so hard to listen to your playerbase Oasis? Majority of them are f2p, but yet you treat them like a second hand toy. I know you need money to run the game, but eventually you will lose even more f2p players then the p2w player will stop spending because what will be the point of it if there is no one on your server to beat?
    Edit: Giving us 2 events tomorrow with free stuff is nice not gonna complain, but still had higher hopes. Free stuff is free stuff I guess, but the damage has already been done. Many players including myself mainly wanted a useful ninja, but instead you ignore us and give us a useless one and the developers want our feedback??? What is the point if it is always ignored. Take notes from other games and show gratitude to BOTH playerbases instead of just one side. Even if I was solely a p2w player the events are still not that great.
    EDIT (again): Also want to add the redemption prices are garbage especially on the one year anniversary event. The ramen costs 10 coupons and med refine is 3 points making it 30 coupons when it costs 25 in the shop. Adv refine costs 5 points meaning 50 coupons and it costs 38 in the shop. Adv thread 8 points meaning 80 coupons costs 63 coupons in the shop... Everything is overpriced and has low redemption caps. Is this really how you treat the loyal people who stay with you this entire year?

    This post was last edited by Koncept at 2017-7-21 02:50
Agreed and don't forget the kakashi is only 2 stars..... We could even get him 3 star to attempt to use him well
Quicky Post

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