Like what I said on my previous post, even though they lose their players, they will always come up with a plan to have new players playing for their server.
No matter how hard you guys cry, at the end of the day those people who will spend and recharge this week will put money on their bank accounts. They will continue to ignore F2p people as long as their pocket were filled with cash from P2w players who are robots. Look at the previous posts, we all know that the froggy thing is so bad that I have no words to describe for it, but still some of them are spending on it. That's how P2w players are blinded on this game. Even F2p people quit this game nothing will change because all of those whales will continue to spend like crazy as long as they keep on increasing their power.
A MOD added a new event today which is the survival trial and ninja mission events. If the forum did not whine about the anniversary, I bet they will never put that events. And how unsual it is for them to put Additional events at the same day after they started a new even week cycle.
P2w playes just for once please listen, you are the only hope. If you don't spend even for a week, I think OASIS will change their mind on constructing crappy events. Please for the LOVE OF GOD, please listen to us F2p people. To be honest, there is no point in complaining anymore because they will continue to ignore us. They'll just lay low while people are still crying and whining then they will add additional events that they think will heal the damage that they done. After that, this event will be repeated and the cycle of hatred continues.
P2w players you can change this cycle of hatred and deception. Please for once, LISTEN. Please!
If you guys hurt their pocket, I think they'll realize that it is time to change and focus on BALANCE.
Please p2w players, LISTEN. Let's make this game great again or are those days gone?