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[ Events ] Events - 20th July


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On 2017-07-20 13:44:55Show this Author Only
ALL event for a SULTAN player LOL
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On 2017-07-20 13:59:53Show this Author Only
I'm not sure how to respond here.
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On 2017-07-20 14:01:09Show this Author Only
I'm betting on that last event, the one where you have to look around the forum. It looks sketchy at first, but i think its the main part for the anniversary.... just a hunch. I will be on the forum a lot tomorrow.

Also, the events are terrible.... but i just hope oasis will drop a prize bomb or x2 rate for coupons on it.
Either that, or maybe they should give 100 ingots to every player for completing a hard battle.....
(just some ideas)
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On 2017-07-20 14:06:32Show this Author Only
  • fallingsky On 2017-07-20 14:01:09
  • I'm betting on that last event, the one where you have to look around the forum. It looks sketchy at first, but i think its the main part for the anniversary.... just a hunch. I will be on the forum a lot tomorrow.

    Also, the events are terrible.... but i just hope oasis will drop a prize bomb or x2 rate for coupons on it.
    Either that, or maybe they should give 100 ingots to every player for completing a hard battle.....
    (just some ideas)
Are the exchange rates at least low? And do we still get Make out Paradise Kakashi for the daily login?
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On 2017-07-20 14:14:20Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2017-07-20 14:06:32
  • Are the exchange rates at least low? And do we still get Make out Paradise Kakashi for the daily login?
Just looked at S26, he is indeed still the login.
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On 2017-07-20 14:16:13Show this Author Only
  • fallingsky On 2017-07-20 14:01:09
  • I'm betting on that last event, the one where you have to look around the forum. It looks sketchy at first, but i think its the main part for the anniversary.... just a hunch. I will be on the forum a lot tomorrow.

    Also, the events are terrible.... but i just hope oasis will drop a prize bomb or x2 rate for coupons on it.
    Either that, or maybe they should give 100 ingots to every player for completing a hard battle.....
    (just some ideas)
i dont see any forums event where is it?
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On 2017-07-20 14:17:51Show this Author Only
  • NobodyReally On 2017-07-20 14:16:13
  • i dont see any forums event where is it?
Supposed to happen sometime today.
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On 2017-07-20 14:22:33Show this Author Only
At first i was suprised, i looked at the event announcemnt page but couldent find the events. Then i was mad because there really werenet any events. Oasis was basically asking community to pay for their party and stop playing on the server at the same time. Cause with these events, what do you really have to do there?

But then after a good nights rest i was amused. Usually a person atleast tryes to stop the bleeding when they shoot themselves in the foot. But Oasis is something diffrent they chose to unload another magazine full of bullets. I mean seriously could you get even a better set of events that represent everything that Oasis stands for? They bum-fck F2P and beg for P2W at the same time.

On a more serious note. I really am starting to doubt if Oasis has any education on how games work. Sure you get your money from people who pay but if they are left alone on the server they take their money somewhere else. How long can Oasis leech of chinese developers work. Cause lets be honest underlining game is fun, but the weekly events that Oasis organizes are really pathetic and is more like digging a grave for the IP. Someone really should get this property to change hands to a team that actualy wants this thing to succeed. Cause the current team dosent seem to have either the desire or the knowledge to maintain a game like this.

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On 2017-07-20 14:37:43Show this Author Only
  • Hiori On 2017-07-20 14:22:33
  • At first i was suprised, i looked at the event announcemnt page but couldent find the events. Then i was mad because there really werenet any events. Oasis was basically asking community to pay for their party and stop playing on the server at the same time. Cause with these events, what do you really have to do there?

    But then after a good nights rest i was amused. Usually a person atleast tryes to stop the bleeding when they shoot themselves in the foot. But Oasis is something diffrent they chose to unload another magazine full of bullets. I mean seriously could you get even a better set of events that represent everything that Oasis stands for? They bum-fck F2P and beg for P2W at the same time.

    On a more serious note. I really am starting to doubt if Oasis has any education on how games work. Sure you get your money from people who pay but if they are left alone on the server they take their money somewhere else. How long can Oasis leech of chinese developers work. Cause lets be honest underlining game is fun, but the weekly events that Oasis organizes are really pathetic and is more like digging a grave for the IP. Someone really should get this property to change hands to a team that actualy wants this thing to succeed. Cause the current team dosent seem to have either the desire or the knowledge to maintain a game like this.

lol just imagine a server with 2 people who spent 1k on the game, just there like "well * we cant even flex on the F2p's no more bill oasis ran them away"
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On 2017-07-20 14:54:41Show this Author Only
There has to be some balance...if there is no f2p players then p2w players will get borred...if not p2w players f2p players will lose balance those events for god sake...90% of urs events is Ingots and Spend rewards
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On 2017-07-20 14:56:43Show this Author Only
  • 清美風香 On 2017-07-20 12:19:09
  • You guys don't use your brains aren't you? No matter how hard you cry your heart out, no matter how vulgar words and provoking words you post, mods will never give any attention to you. Why? On their standpoint: they will let us cry here like children then when the issue subsides, they will reply like nothing happened. At the end of the day, Pay to win people will still spend money on this game no matter how hard you people cry because they have money to spend on, no matter what OASIS throw at them they will spend like robots. They will never cooperate with us F2p people. If only they would cooperate like one week no spending, OASIS might change their mind in constructing GARBAGE events like this. Unfortunately, spenders here have no compassion to f2p people either, they were like:

    We have money to spend, we will spend it like there's no tomorrow.

    We don't care about F2p you can leave no one will miss you as per some of their reply here.

    The root problem here is NOT OASIS itself but those pay to win people that doesn't give a single care for F2p people. To be honest even though I hate to say it, F2p are powerless. We can't do a * thing about this as long as P2w people are willing to spend at anything. We can threaten them to leave but it will not do a * thing. Spenders will still stay, they will continue to spend and OASIS will still find a way to find new players to play their game.

    The ones who has the power to make a change are those P2w players. They can make a huge change. They can influence OASIS to change the way they conduct their events. If they stop spending, it will hurt OASIS big time that thet might want to consider catering bad events for F2p people.

    PaytoWin people you are the only one that we can rely on. You have the power to change this. Now it is in your hands to help us F2p players to be heard by this company. You can make a change. We are hoping that you cooperate with us or you will choose to ignore us and that spirit of cooperation and camaraderie are gone. You are people too, I know you guys will do the right decision as human beings or this post will fell to deaf ears? This post was last edited by 114***@facebook at 2017-7-20 12:37
The fact that we have reached a point where we feel the only alternative is to pressure p2p or p2w people in order to make the game better is a problem in and out of itself!

Since when did the players need to coerce spenders by saying "dont spend or you are a cpar human being, f2p need your suppport"??? It's also their anniversary and the events are honestly very good for them. This is not a good solution and will never work. It will simply make spending players angry towards non spending players.

This shows that the comunity is at a boiling point, similar to the aristeaus incident. Oasis (who is not the mods, they have no decision power and barely have little influence, dont take it out on them!) should really get its act together or the server population will plummet even faster.

No one wants to play a game where the community is toxic, maybe even in their own servers. This regardless of if you pay or not. We have reached a point where this is a real possibility which have more dire consequences than aristeaus ever did.
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On 2017-07-20 15:14:37Show this Author Only
I have a question about naruto froggy after the end of event u will get back ingots ?
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On 2017-07-20 15:17:24Show this Author Only
You cant do a spending rebate when the only thing people who are p2w will be doing this week is doing a recharge cause there arent any good events to spend on
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On 2017-07-20 15:20:11Show this Author Only
  • Shisei On 2017-07-20 15:14:37
  • I have a question about naruto froggy after the end of event u will get back ingots ?
I wondered that myself. I dont expect to since you can claim the bottom rewards (i think) every day once you fill the frog, it seems a bit too generous of Oasis to give the ingots back...
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On 2017-07-20 15:33:05Show this Author Only
I like it
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On 2017-07-20 15:48:07Show this Author Only
  • LionheartRyanO On 2017-07-20 08:51:55
  • Hmm good point I guess we can * around one more week and give them one more chance
Honestly, the idea of giving Oasis more time even if its only a week is the same as condoning what Oasis have done, and they will feel that it's acceptable to continue shafting the players.

From their view point, the number of rage quitters might not even amount to 0.1% of the playerbase so why should they care? Even if it went up to 1%, it does not impact their revenue so no problem for them at all.
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On 2017-07-20 16:05:21Show this Author Only

Hah, nice I actually guessed the cost of tortoise frags.

So 6 turtle fragments for free, that's okay.

EDIT : There is also second page This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-7-20 16:20
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On 2017-07-20 16:18:55Show this Author Only
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-07-20 16:05:21

    Hah, nice I actually guessed the cost of tortoise frags.

    So 6 turtle fragments for free, that's okay.

    EDIT : There is also second page This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-7-20 16:20
Can u put ss
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On 2017-07-20 16:20:36Show this Author Only
Yup, we waited to see what the event are after they came out just to really make sure we know how badly they * and this is just absolutely pathetic. Literally nearly all p2w and on top of that the only Anni event that might have been good with the prizes like Hokage Tsunade, Dpb Hidan etc give you like no ramen. I just did around 300 stam and only got 3 ramen AND they are worth ONE point each... ugghhh. I'm about to lose my mind, and so are the others in my server.
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On 2017-07-20 16:23:33Show this Author Only
  • Emperor Ziel On 2017-07-20 16:20:36
  • Yup, we waited to see what the event are after they came out just to really make sure we know how badly they * and this is just absolutely pathetic. Literally nearly all p2w and on top of that the only Anni event that might have been good with the prizes like Hokage Tsunade, Dpb Hidan etc give you like no ramen. I just did around 300 stam and only got 3 ramen AND they are worth ONE point each... ugghhh. I'm about to lose my mind, and so are the others in my server.
Thats really bad luck, i have on average 8 ramen by spending 300 stamina.

But looks like the exchange rates *, best value is guys tortoise.
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