2017-07-19 23:05:05
Boohoo if it is an anniversary. That doesnt make it anything that special. Theyre giving you events that were never there. Giving out the new treasure. Offering sign in rewards. Also it seems that all of you fail to realize that this game is run by a COMPANY... Idk about anyone else, but i dont get pissed off whenever i have to buy dlc for console games. It takes man power and time, which is valuable, to do these things...
how nice of you to say that, I think we all realize what Oasis wants is profit, profit and profit. The new treasures are bound to come sooner or later, so nothing new there. We all knew that, and there is a new signin event which isn't anythind new with just a different ninja and some new event items. Many F2Ps play for fun, but the fun ends when events are based mostly on spending so you really don't have an opportunity to get futher up