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[ Events ] Events - 20th July


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On 2017-07-20 05:57:52Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-19 22:41:52
  • If this was a normal week i would be ok with it. 2-3 f2p events and a majority of p2p or p2w, as usual but otherwise ok.

    But for the 1 year anniversary? * that is bad. And you guys know its bad. Feel kind of sorry for the mods who have to defend anniversary events.
Agreed pretty disappointed , tho still gotta see the prices for anniversary event
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On 2017-07-20 06:02:35Show All Posts
  • Ronin345 On 2017-07-19 22:50:48
  • This looks like a really good week for the big spenders they will love this.

    FTP and the small time spenders I have talked with (myself included) find this very depressing.
Agreed I was expecting much more for being with a game for a year..... I mean even so couldn't servers that are older get better rewards
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On 2017-07-20 06:10:53Show All Posts
  • IcantDecidewhoM On 2017-07-19 23:05:05
  • Boohoo if it is an anniversary. That doesnt make it anything that special. Theyre giving you events that were never there. Giving out the new treasure. Offering sign in rewards. Also it seems that all of you fail to realize that this game is run by a COMPANY... Idk about anyone else, but i dont get pissed off whenever i have to buy dlc for console games. It takes man power and time, which is valuable, to do these things...
Actually it's does make it special and most games give lots to f2p during this time and it wont see another 1 year anymore at least after this
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On 2017-07-20 06:28:32Show All Posts
  • birtul_meu@yaho On 2017-07-20 00:34:51
  • Just one question: who the hell is * enough to start play this greedy game once they quit? Crap events as usual ..just milk more from players. Keep this up till u will have just 2-3 ppl on servers with their tons of alts.
Don't worry no one will listen
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On 2017-07-20 06:30:44Show All Posts
  • Madao91 On 2017-07-20 00:51:28
  • the thing I do not, seems like ppl do not understand that if we have more f2p events, p2w ppl will get them also. So for me it seems logical for anniversary to have more f2p events so your whole player base can enjoy them.
Omg it seems so easy right? Not a hard concept well some never get it
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On 2017-07-20 06:34:07Show All Posts
  • sk8erboil On 2017-07-20 00:41:14
  • For those f2p, i just wanna say...knock it off....if you don't pay the game...that's one gonna force you to do that...but plz, don't whin in the just make yourself look like a salt child who has no contribution to the game and claim for more privilege that you guys not supposed to get it as someone spend their real money on it while you don't. Some f2p players keep hype the 3.0 will release this week?Have you read the july plan that update 3.0 will be released within this month.. and tomorrow is 7/19..not even August. Brain is a good stuff...plz bring it everytime you read the forum.
Hahahah silly troll lol but f2p and p2p both contribute and if thing we're done your way there would be no hate the game needs f2p and p2w to work so screwing over f2p that have been playing for almost a year.... Not good idea for the game
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On 2017-07-20 06:37:49Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-20 00:56:50
  • As i said to the other guy also whining about people expressing their dissatisfaction for the events. Follow your own advice.

    If you are happy with the events then just say it. In a mature way, you know? like most of the people who liked the events and commented on this very thread. The ones that did not feel the need to add a self righteous speech about how mature they are and how f2p are whinners?

    As far as what events catered more for f2p could have been added, well why not stomething like mt myoboku last week? I even stated that it would have bee more approiate to have that event this week instead of last.

    Why not a special more cost/reward effective version of the lucky board, the most popular event in the game?

    Why not an event like the eggs from easter which although was not that rewarding, was fun and more community oriented?

    I'm not saying replace the events or remove them. Just add something that feels special and where f2p can feel their hard earned coupons will actually give them high value. Not just spending and recharging events.

    Again, people will complain a lot this week because it is the 1 year anniversary, something supposed to be special for the community as a whole. Now it feels more like a marketing gimmik so yea people are disappointed. If this was just another week it wouldn't be that bad, but its the 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY.
Perfect point and what we have been saying
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On 2017-07-20 06:39:23Show All Posts
  • Dragonfire14 On 2017-07-20 01:01:13
  • Wow...just wow...

    I have to say I am very disappointed with these events.

    First of all the ramen "anniversary" event isn't even for the anniversary. It is a old event that you just threw the word anniversary in front of.

    10 out of 15 events are paid only events, with 2 more events just being content updates. The only events rewarding your F2P player base is the ramen, and log in part of the mad event.

    Anniversaries are supposed to be one of the greatest times for a player to play the game. With tons of limited time content (actual content like raids, dungeons), free gifts (characters, pulls, currency), and usually a community event of some kind. I will spare you the long list of examples of anniversaries done right cause I don't feel like getting banned.

    All and all these events hurt me, as someone who loves this game and has been supporting it with guides, walkthroughs, event breakdowns, community interaction and development. I feel neglected by the developers, like all they care about is the money. You had a perfect opportunity to start and turn all that negative press you've been getting around, and you messed it up.

    Happy 1 year anniversary, I'll probably not be here for the second.....
I know it's sad really
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On 2017-07-20 06:41:18Show All Posts
  • Waifuu On 2017-07-20 01:11:57
  • Not only are F2p snubbed by Oasis this anniversary, but they actually think to make use of them to act as their errand boy and bring quitters back to the servers for a pittance of a reward in the call for duty event.

    Wow... Just wow...
That is kinda a slap in the face like no I can't bring ppl back to a game that can't stop screwing ppl over if you fix your game I'll help
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On 2017-07-20 06:49:55Show All Posts
  • Waifuu On 2017-07-20 05:19:00
  • At this point i would take those GNW shino frags, at least i could have a chance to 4* a ninja and some players who missed out on full month attendance can 3* theirs.

    I remember creating a thread about how bad the forum anniversary event was, and I got some flame for it because it wasn't the only anniversary event and more better ones would follow.

    I guess i was correct now that it was just a prelude to the events that are happening now. If you start badly, you finish badly. ;P
The ninja should be in shops
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On 2017-07-20 07:02:03Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-07-20 06:43:17
  • People are trying to give them advice on how to improve, but I'm not sure if they're seeing it at all...
Yea I agree and some ppl attack us for speaking out , we are all expressing how we feel to hopefully better our game we love and they say ppl should just leave if they don't like it but that doesn't solve the problems and we don't want ppl to leave or we won't have a game they seem to have some wall between players and them
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On 2017-07-20 10:22:26Show All Posts
  • sk8erboil On 2017-07-20 10:08:07
  • You?who care about whether you stay or not?Don't be too are just a nobody to oasis.
Well that is the problem with the game if we don't matter lol but no reason to be rude to ppl the whole you don't matter just stop playing bs gets old and is ineffective if we lose ppl we lose the game so when 70% are disappointed in the events maybe they are doing something wrong and if ppl keep leaving at this speed the game will fail before we have anymore special holiday events
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On 2017-07-20 18:51:25Show All Posts
  • Numbers On 2017-07-20 17:35:19
  • This is a genocide towards the players.
So true it seems like they want us to leave
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On 2017-07-20 18:52:36Show All Posts
  • Tjun On 2017-07-20 18:03:01
  • I think you may be right on the money. Maybe they notice their game is dying and are hoping for a last quick cash-out?
That's seems to be the case and sadly doing that when they could have used this chance to try and fix things
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On 2017-07-20 18:54:32Show All Posts
  • NobodyReally On 2017-07-20 18:30:26
  • i feel you man, ive wasted so much of my valuable time on this game hoping it will get better with future updates and ill be happy cause im playing a game of one of my favorite anime. But no its getting worst...if i didnt spend so much time i wouldn't be mad at all id just leave, but i think this is teh reason most f2p players are angry right now.
Agreed sad that we get no response
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On 2017-07-20 18:58:23Show All Posts
  • [Hiitachi] On 2017-07-20 18:46:34
  • Hi! I found Easter Egg "Ino Swisuit". It said "win battle and get Water Gun". But... Request Error
Soooo unhappy anniversary events don't work lmao I really hope this is all a joke
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On 2017-07-20 18:59:42Show All Posts
  • NarukamiYuu On 2017-07-20 18:58:02
  • mt myoboku was a better anniversary event than the real one
Agreed should have kept it all month
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On 2017-07-20 19:01:20Show All Posts
  • MP S597 On 2017-07-20 18:56:05
  • they add 2 more event tomorrow
Hmm if the rewards are normal then I'd say it's better of course but still not much of a anniversary event stuff but if they are better by tons than normal with some cool stuff then hey they might have listen to us!!! Guess we will have to wait and see
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On 2017-07-20 19:08:55Show All Posts
  • NarukamiYuu On 2017-07-20 19:01:58
  • it doesnt help either that the rewards of those events are meh at best
Yea just looked it's the normal rewards so still just meh disappointed it's better than nothing but still not even close to what we would expect after playing for a year
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On 2017-07-20 19:11:30Show All Posts
  • Reikera "The Im On 2017-07-20 19:05:36
  • stop crying all the time if you don't like it quit the game.
No one is crying we are stating how we feel and try to help make the game last your just quit saying will only kill the game you should want ppl to play , I know I do because I would like to see this game make it for a 2 year anniversary but with events like this and all the slaps the base gets I doubt it :(
Quicky Post

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