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[ Events ] Events - 20th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-19 22:44:52Show All Posts
Well there sure is a nice and balanced variety but a bit too heavy on pay events
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 08:22:43Show All Posts
  • Dragonfire14 On 2017-07-20 01:01:13
  • Wow...just wow...

    I have to say I am very disappointed with these events.

    First of all the ramen "anniversary" event isn't even for the anniversary. It is a old event that you just threw the word anniversary in front of.

    10 out of 15 events are paid only events, with 2 more events just being content updates. The only events rewarding your F2P player base is the ramen, and log in part of the mad event.

    Anniversaries are supposed to be one of the greatest times for a player to play the game. With tons of limited time content (actual content like raids, dungeons), free gifts (characters, pulls, currency), and usually a community event of some kind. I will spare you the long list of examples of anniversaries done right cause I don't feel like getting banned.

    All and all these events hurt me, as someone who loves this game and has been supporting it with guides, walkthroughs, event breakdowns, community interaction and development. I feel neglected by the developers, like all they care about is the money. You had a perfect opportunity to start and turn all that negative press you've been getting around, and you messed it up.

    Happy 1 year anniversary, I'll probably not be here for the second.....
Well why don't you allow me to add for you?

After further looking over the events, they truly are garbage when it comes to an Anniversary event. This is the time that Developers should be GIVING and GIFTING to the community, not having US pay you all more money from our pockets. An Anniversary Event is supposed to be special for everyone, not your wallets. This is what I gathered myself from games I've played and inspected in the past.

- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Just had it's 1st anniversary. During the anniversary they gave out multiple free characters (1 a day for 30 days), Summon tickets (which could be used for more characters), had a daily dungeon that had massive amounts of loot, a raid boss that gave currency that you could use for random pulls, daily login rewards, and a lot more.

- One Piece Treasure Cruise
Gave out a limited time ship that gave a ton of bonuses for the time period of the anniversary, multiple limited time islands including daily xp islands, and gem islands, and multiple booster islands.

- Final Fantasy 14
Made a questline that went through the year's events, and at the end had the director of the game thanking the player for supporting them. The rewards were alright, but it's a different style of game where an anniversary isn't expected.

- Overwatch
Had multiple skins come out for limited time, and gave out free loot boxes. Also had a free weekend.

- Heroes of The Storm
Had a huge overhaul of the game's reward system and gave out a few loot chests, and in game currency.

- Dokkan Battle
Gifted between tens to hundreds of both Premium Currency and Anniversary Tickets to every single player within it's community as to give them the opportunity to obtain EXTREMELY powerful characters.

- Dawn Of The Dragons
Their "Dawnniversary" are ALWAYS special. Every single event they release for their Dawnniversary Month is catered for BOTH F2P and P2W Users, not to mention epic World Raids. When releasing new Premium armors, they ALWAYS give away 6 Premium Chest to all players so they can get a chance of obtaining new items. Every new week of the Dawnniversary Month, for Daily Logins they give away FREE Volatile Potions with CAKES every day. Every week, they give away codes with free items, potions, cakes, Familiars, etc... And in the FINAL Week, they go out with a *! Not only people get Cakes but they get FREE PREMIUM CURRENCY! And on top of that!? You can obtain a Planet Coins Purchase UPTO 75%!

So yeah, compared to all of these games with absolutely amazing Anniversary events, Naruto Online is by far the worse I have ever seen. I rather be honest and vocal than silent and blind. This post was last edited by God Revan at 2017-7-20 08:23
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 08:48:00Show All Posts
  • Vivoco On 2017-07-20 08:38:49
  • just fyi , on CN server u can pull tendo with 60 seal scrolls, he is common rare ninja. dunno what's wrong w us server
I'll tell you; It's Oasis Games.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 08:58:47Show All Posts
  • Dragonfire14 On 2017-07-20 08:51:01
  • Same, they have 1 week to win me back before I go
Actually they have to. They may not like it but 3.0 is where things will be better for F2P Users. According to many of the Tencent Logs and Updates from when this started, the same thing will apply to Global.
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