What's rediculous is people trying to defend Oasis too by saying "get over yourselves" or "you expect too much". Reality, no, no we don't. After a company was ousted for cheating people out of thier money and scandals and just bad business practice,, no, we don't expect too much. No one is sitting here asking for them to give us everything free. Absolutely no one, we are sitting here asking for at least a way for f2p or small spenders to close a huge power gap between the heavy spenders. As for this event cycle, it's the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. It's not the average event cycle, yeah we all expected SOMETHING cool for free. China got Itachi Anbu 5* last year bruh. And that's not what I'm asking for before you say derp China is x years ahead derp. It's the way the events are handled.