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[ Events ] Events - 20th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 03:32:59Show All Posts
Hah, it seems like I was the only one expecting this.
ofc, they would try to make this a super PTW event.their game is slowly dying. all new servers lose 80-90% of their population in the first month. A lot of older PTW players are quitting as well since nothing new has been offered to them since ultimate training.
they trying to milk people as much as possible before the game dies.And they do not care if the game dies since they already made enough profit and they can start with a new game like fairy tale online or once piece online or whatever.But they are forgetting something.their bad reputation will cost them in the long run.I was a P2W player when they had Wartune like 6 years ago and spent decent amount of money back then,but this time I remained 100% f2p since I knew how rigged their system was, always trying to fool you into spending on things you had a little chance to get or over charging you for things with little value.
I learned my lesson 6 years ago. It's time for you guys to learn yours :)
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