suggest : increase amount pack and change valoue reward into it actualy 1 ppl get 1 pack for sure cant do more or some tricky
my group have 33 participate less around 25 ppl
talk about power ? ya we group no 1
how about other group ? you can check yeah HK merge 199-203-207
but there is player f2p try for enjoying the game, be active and be friendly however he know he never get chance for enjoy 100% kind stuff . so what can you do for it ? let it be f2p make money money money and let them just play normal ? this is how you treat from million ppl get in game :lol
now in midle range power not top but try being top they need dat pack ! ya legend pack medium refine
but whats happening we got low refine and 8 SS guess what , i have more than 200+ low refine if any result can being trade who want it ? lmao
im just suggesting just increase make 10 for all reward so total amount is 30 pack(10legend,10elite,and 10 forgot about it)then ppl f2p get chance to get it by participate 5x and increase his power . you never know smiley face f2p when get ninja rare or sucses make refine 4 to 5 right ? :)
how about p2w ? yeah they actually careless but not least they want pack too for being participate but they more have fun and enjoy if more participate from other group too for being tag team battle 3v3 back up snake the sneaky peaky :lol
just it what i want to say hope you read this
did i do wrong spell word ? if i did im so sry
how about my vocab ? so sry too but if you read till this part you know what i mean haha
make money is good, make happy ppl more good, make money money but can make ppl happy ? so more god good