2016-09-14 13:00:08
We're getting updates quite fast, why not talk about the future updates? As for right now, You get a free draw every other day, so that's about 14 free draws per month. If your group has about 40 members during war, that's another at least 5 seal scrolls per month. You get 2 free from the client every 4 weeks. Survival Trial, getting top 3 in Sage Battlefield, and spending coupons, will pretty much get you enough to get a Rare ninja each month (on top of the ninjas you can obtain from sweeping, Deidara is in the new Elite Instance). There are only a few ninjas that are unobtainable as of right now without seal scrolls (which can then be obtained later on).
You're not thinking about the reason it is the way it is. The limited packs encourages competition, otherwise people could just flock into the top groups.
There IS incentive to participate in GNW. 1,000 Group Victories and 63 Contribution per round regardless of the outcome. If your group wins, you also get more funds and contribution during Group Convoy. You're asking for an increase to the BONUS. Sure, I wouldn't mind an increase in ratio, but I'm not going to call it a "broken system" if they don't.
Not everyone is passive and completely content with just getting a rare ninja per month - some people actually want to get more chances of getting new ninjas, and the treasure pulls also gives extra frags, magas, and etc., so it's helpful in it's own way outside of obtaining ninjas.
Please try not to think from your point of view.
Why not make a slight adjustment to a current event? I'm talking about things that are open to us, things you can get now. That's why I'm talking about the NOW and not the LATER.
There's a difference between a passive player and a very competitive individual. The devs need to balance it out so they're able to cater to both to a certain degree and extent, although it should be to the latter since hard work equates to higher rewards.
Honestly, limited packs discourage competition unless you're on a very competitive server with a healthy population. There are some individuals that do GNW purely for the excitement and seals since group victories/points and contribution are worthless due to the fact that they have everything maxed out and have obtained all the ninjas possible from the shop.
If they are well aware that they aren't going to get a pack, less and less people show up for GNW, and it's always the same two groups bashing it out. Some groups don't even know that GNW happens twice a week or don't even bother to register. I wonder why....
This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-9-14 19:11