2016-09-15 03:16:19
You have it wrong. I don't know who thought you that to be a leader you must give packs to the lucky few. That person is highly *. A leader fights for fairness and wants to give the same to all his members. You clearly don't understand what this tread is for. Or even read the first post.. And if you did i'm slightly concerned about your reading and understanding skills, even though I don't actually care for you, it's pretty worrisome..
Let us all be honest.. No one cares for group points or group skills. I can get 350 + Convoy/Plunder contributions just by donating to the group, and that's more than enough with a cool down for a full day of group skills. Group store points are also pretty worthless, who wants those? Sure you get 5K every war if you participate 5 times. But not many people are trying to get Kisame 5 stars buddy. I have almost 30K Group points saved up.. I'll be able to get 2 ninjas that come out when they do.
Point is both of them are worthless to anyone who actually plays the game. They're so easy to get that we don't need more of those. Therefore no one's hard work is being paid of. Unless you get a pack. You must be in a pretty bad group in Server 6 to not have this problem, and if your the actual leader, I feel bad for your members.. "It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means." That's one of the *est things a leader could say if your a leader, and if your not.. Don't try to be, just from that you should not be taken seriously as a leader.
Sure the leader can write down everyones name, but when you have 40 participants with 5 participation a week.. There's no way to distribute 9 packs among players. If you do it the only fair way possible, it takes 5 (Really 4.4 but that doesn't matter, rounds up.) weeks to reset. That's ridiculous when you have 25 participation during the 5 weeks and you only get 1 pack. It's completely * and your point is invalid because no one wants the "rewards" they're being given, because why would they?
No one cares for group points or skills? lol even I cannot buy into this. Seals are useless and is just a gambling method for those who have money, f2p players relying on this gambling method must realize that they do not have the pockets to play this gambling game as much as the p2w players. It is just quiet simple and trust me I pay for the game and do you know what I buy when I recharge Magatamas, summon scrolls, level packs or I just wait for good event that provide me all of that with seal scrolls.... That is it. This game cannot and will not waste my precious USD over a fishy system that I c*ready see is a troll. Really spending that much for seal scrolls when there is mags and stuff that will definitely raise your power and make you stronger not a luck based system that leaves you high and dry.
I know what a good leader is. I and my leader have given up days when we were supposed to get a pack to provide incentives for people to participate in war. That right there is group leader sacrifice. If you are too lazy too type up into a excel spreadsheet all your names and rightfully choose fairly when and where people get a pack, It is entirely your fault. "Lets be honest people do not play war for group skills and points" do not speak for everybody, that is you . I even as someone who pays and from f2P player point of view know the value of saving points for a incoming shop update or again making our current ninjas strong. If you pay you should not even be worried if you do not get a pack , I mean you obviously have enough to say points and contributions are worthless, then sir you must be balling congrats "o wait does not sound like that to me"
Waiting five weeks, yes you better wait five weeks for a pack. It is not hard as a leader , if you are the leader . If they cant wait tell them they have a choice to leave and struggle to make top 3 or make this group stronger. Again even if they implement everyone who participates get one seal scrolls, people will still not be happy, instead they will complain about the amount. If you as a leader cannot fairly distribute packs for 40 people a week , then I do not know what to say honestly it is not that hard and that is * far from it, packs are just extra to something great that is already provided.