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[ Bugs ] Feedback about Payment Options Issues


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 00:43:30Show All Posts
1. I can't receive the ingots after topped up successfully.
2. I can't top up successfully with *X payment options.
Both of these apply to me. One transaction showed that it worked, two others showing they did not. Three transactions in total. First one was $5, the other two both $1.

Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: 189
Character Name: Gaara
UID: 200000092664106
Payment option: Visa, all three times.
Was the money deducted from your payment account: Yes.
Track ID: I only took a screenshot of the second failed attempt, and do not have the Order #'s of the other two transactions. Here is one of the failed numbers. 143485587_narutoen
Screeshoot(error page): and
Accurate Recharge Time:I did these at three different times... The first attempt was a $5 purchase, and I got directed to a screen saying it went through(didn't take screenie, figured I didn't have to.) I want to say it was about 7PM on 11.8.16. And after I noticed I didn't recieve my ingots, I tried again, RIGHT after with a $1 purchase, redirecting me to a failed screen. I just tried again the day after and yet again, failed at about 8AM on 11.9.16
This post was last edited by que*** at 2016-11-10 00:45
Quicky Post

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