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[ Events ] Why are you trying to actively kill this game...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-19 00:24:47Show All PostsDescending Order
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Several top (top 3 at that) players have already quit from S3. Bar the opening week events - this is kind of silly. You guys really need to do a better job at evaluation what people want. I'm fairly confident that your goal isn't to have a playerbase of 50 players all paying a few hundred a month - but rather a few thousand players all paying say 10-50$ a month... Just look at chinese servers - even in their 800s they still have hundreds of players running around all the time.

I'm sure you realise that the fishing event is pretty much just a straight away slap in the face... We're talking upwards of 300 stamina on ... 1 hinata fragment? Honestly ... Why wouldn't I just do an elite instance one for 10 stamina and the same effect... The other rewards aren't even worth discussing...

Refinement Rebate - sure not a bad one... It's a good time to get your scrolls worth - if it didnt require upwards of 20 to get each level to begin with that is but oh well that's a different topic.

Is a 2$ discount on 25$ even worth calling an event by the way - regarding the limited packs. I mean... that's not even 10%...

The mood system - cewl more stuff to spend money on - once, there could have been events regarding this update - i.e. 30% Discount on Scrolls OR Get free meat* with every scroll purchase. Just little things to make your customers feel appreciated.

I strongly suggest you stop the mindless money grab as the game is starting to spiral down hill very rapidly - I'm sure you've seen the forum section. Coupled with the fact that people will start hitting 70 in the upcomming days, leaving even less for them to do in the game - a policy change is in order as even paying players will start feeling cheated out - "Why did I start early? Why was I there for every event? Why did I try to maximise my progression?" If someone who joined the server a week later is pretty much going to catch up with the only difference being -3 Free sage scrolls or w.e.

Not to mention that the level cap makes one of the features of the Jonin medal obsolete - i.e. double sweep exp.

-Rant Over. Please think of the game longterm. Frustrated customers aren't good for business and even paying players need free2play players to enjoy the game and keep it alive.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-19 00:49:30Show All Posts
  • Deadly Banana On 2016-08-19 00:44:12
  • p2w games die first? League of Angels still goes strong and it's up for more than 2 years...
You mean League of Angles 2. The original one died ages ago... And like I said spending a bit a month can still keep you in a decent spot there (10-50$ range). While there really is nothing you can spend that amount on in Naruto Online and feel like you've gotten your money's worth out of it. Seal scrolls are completely out of the question - for people who don't want to go into the hundreds a month.

Events are usually a good bet - but hey guess what - we haven't been getting any of those - like, at all...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-19 00:53:14Show All Posts
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-19 04:31:54Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-08-19 03:40:58
  • And I would like to know why people keep posting this kind of topics in General section. This post was last edited by Daiske at 2016-8-19 03:44
Because it's a General Discussion and because I wanted to see how others felt about this. It's not in customer services as it is not a complaint, but rather an observation from my point of view, and it is not a suggestion either - which naturally means it should not be "Forwarded to the team and closed".

I'm not a free to play player. I'm just saying we need those guys to enjoy the game and to * around. Like mentioned in the original post - 2 top dogs quit S3 after barely a month. Those guys were already in the hundreds in terms of spending with multiple rares off of tendo and full Level 4-5 Magis.

I really, really don't want this game to die young.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-19 06:59:25Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-08-19 05:57:53
  • I'm not going either to join this discussion or answer any questions/ideas because this is something that is out of your hands guys. Yes you are customers to this game, however you don't know the real numbers or how many people recharge every day and how much. "Someone from S3 quit this game. He was number one." And ? I am sorry but should I care ? How do you know he really quit ? Maybe he wanted to play on different server. Or do you actually know the real reason why he quit ? This is all your opinions, maybe more like conspiracy tho. Of course there are players who do not like this game and they would rather see it as a "free to play". But this game is free to play. You should understand what it means first. Do you have to pay to play this game ? No. Do you have to invest in this game if you want to be high in ranking ? Yes, you do. Those are two different things and lot of players don't even realize it. But this happens in every single game. No matter if it is anything related to Naruto or Bleach. Same goes to real life. You want quality ? Well, you have to pay for it. I'm sorry but that's how it works. You don't get free stuff in real life too. And let's be honest guys. You can get almost every single ninja in this game for free. It will take some time, that is true. But eventually you will get them. And if you want them now, that is not about P2W or F2P. It is about how competitive you are.

    Players are comparing this game to movies, animes, mangas and many other * things. I can understand if you guys compare our version to German or Chinese version. But how old is this version ? Not even a month. You can't expect everything. As I said in different thread, for example our summoning seal scroll system is different when you compare it to Chinese version. We are getting all of features and ninjas from Chinese server, slowly but we will get it. Our admins are doing their best and they actually listen to your opinions and ideas. Yes, you are right that current events aren't best. But we just got Playboy Sasuke. And I'm sure a lot of player will rather have a little break so their wallets can rest a bit. Or do you want this game to be like BO or UN ? Getting new things so often that you can't keep up with new characters ?
    It's realy easy to hate everything or critize someone but you should look at yourself first. Admins and devs are also people and this is their work. They need to eat too. And what do you think, who will pay servers when this game will be "free to play?".

    So as I said guys, feel free to suggest anything you would like to see in game. Immprovents to events or current system. All your ideas are welcome and it will only help to immrpove this game. But stop being that hateful towards admins or this comapny. It's just not nice from you.

    Have a nice day everyone.
By no means am I hating Daiske, had you taken the time to properly read my post I'm sure you would have seen that. In fact it's not hate but worry that drives my post - I'm seeing people quit on my server, I don't want to have to switch servers because of this and it's worrying me. I'm checking the forums out and I see tons of posts from free to play player's perspective and decided I'd write something about it.

As you may have noticed my threads seem to often get more attention than the random Joe's for some reason and I thought I'd throw my piece of mind in the mix.

I don't mind having big spender events and resting gaps in between - in fact I'm amazed the person in charge of events thought about us in that way. I like this game enough to support it - I usually don't even play browser games, so that should be a good indication of my thoughts on the game.

All I was saying was that people feel bummed out for some reason (Most probably because they haven't had a chance to catch up to the top quite yet, as the game and it's servers are young) and the events were sending a bad message (i.e. Fishing event, I had no idea there was a possibility of a mistake).

You did however despite what you said in your post join the discussion and through some nitpicking I managed to extract valuable information about the events, the current state of the game and dev's point of view. I'm glad the game is staying healthy and I'm also glad that our suggestions (MAKE ARENA GREAT AGAIN *HINT*HINT*) are reaching the devs. Thanks for taking your time to "stay away" from the discussion, even though it isn't even in your forum section to begin with (i.e. I'd usually expect Ari to respond in the General forum section).
Quicky Post

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