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[ Events ] Events - 13th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 34
  • Posts: 455
On 2017-07-13 00:47:58Show All Posts
can you guys do something about the cloths for battle armor? why are they still in there on the old servers?
I've been level 27 since december (never bought a single cloth even with cuppons) and have a huge surplus of them with nothing to do wiht it. How about leting us use them on the space-time shop?
on the other hand threads are a problem to get at higher levels, get some balancing on this pls

regarding the rest of the events, rebates are always welcome, new events need to actually be seen before forming an opinion, and wheels are rigged as hell as usual.

and 8ig lee, sure i guess i will get him half way to 5 stars, how about some other ninjas next time around? makeout paradise kakashi would be nice, haven't seen him in events since december maybe january
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 34
  • Posts: 455
On 2017-07-13 17:29:01Show All Posts
  • LionheartRyanO On 2017-07-13 08:07:48
  • He isn't even in game anymore
that happened to playboy sasuke as well, you couldn't see him in the list but you could still get his frags and once you had at least one he would show up again in the list
Quicky Post

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