2017-07-14 01:25:46
The fact that you failed does not make it any less free. Pebbles lie everywhere, yet you didn't pick any up. Does it suddenly mean that pebbles are not free?
@Everyone having problems with the Mobyoku Event.
I really do not know, if I can make it any clearer how to successfully do this event, but I will try :
You need to knock out all 5 rings from under Narutos head, without knocking the tower over. You have 6 or 7 hammers, so you can fail a little, but overall you need to hit perfect every time to be safe.
Start from the bottom, and wait as long as it takes to make sure you click in the moment when the bar is exactly in poerfect. There will be a bit of delay, but as long as you hit close to perfect the tower will not fall yet, allowing you to gauge how much earlier you need to click.
In my case it was like 0,5 second before the bar was at perfect. IF you hit way too soon, or way too late the tower will collapse.
It's really very easy, just basic eye coordination, and you are sure to hit it.
Ugh Im saying it's not free, free is the logging in for lee now I didn't say it was a bad event even with the issue I was having just not free is all I don't consider the puzzles free stuff and those are easy but performing a task to receive things is not fee
Tyty for advice !!! I think puffin is making it not work right maybe do to a tablet clicking different not sure tho