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[ Events ] Anniversary Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-08 01:26:15Show All Posts
UID: 200000091429165
Server ID: 479 Summon Contract
Character Name: Pimpasaurus

Most Unforgettable Moment: The most unforgettable moment for me was the first time my group managed to win GNW. When I first joined the server, one group had the overwhelming amount of members with a second group a ways behind them, I decided to start my own group to help out other players and hopefuly be able to compete. Over the first few weeks our group grew quite slowly, it began to pick up speed when some oft he smaller groups started to join with us to try to take down the strongest group who had 8 of the top 10 players on the server at the time. it took us almost a month but still out numbered and out gunned we managed to pull out a win in GNW and we were all super happy. we had a party in the gorup base all dressing up as Akatsuki Members (our gorup name is Akatsuki). This is by far my most treasured memory from this game.
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