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[ Events ] Anniversary Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 9
On 2017-07-21 09:33:56Show All Posts
UID: 200000084774212
Server: 37
Character Name: Myst
Unforgettable Moment: There were a lot of moments that caught me off guard and were definitely unforgettable(ie getting both Hashirama and Sasori(10 puppet) out of boxes; I was definitely not expecting that), but the MOST unforgettable moment would have to be when I joined my current group: Legend. The first group I had joined was going inactive(I was the only player who would be online) so I started to look for a more active group to join. A friend recommended me to join Legend and even asked the leader on my behalf and so I applied and they accepted me.

At first, I did not talk in group chat because everyone was so intimidating. They all were about level 80 with at least 20k more power than I did. At the time, I was the lowest level and the lowest power in the group. The only times I would speak in chat was during convoy(version 1.0) to hesitantly ask someone to join me on my run. I always figured that they would ignore me since I would be no help if we were plundered.

But much to my surprise, as I got to know my group members better, they were all very nice and helpful and definitely not disparaging towards lower level/power. Thanks to them(who I've become good friends with) I've have caught up to some of them in power. I enjoy every moment with them, whether we win or lose GNW and it has been an awesome 8 months and counting with them!
Quicky Post

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