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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
  • Posts: 70
On 2017-07-09 12:45:31Show All Posts
UID: 200000087345618
Server ID: S78 Pain Shurado
Character Name: Ronin
Most Unforgettable Moment:
One of the great pleasures in the game is the Great Ninja War Battlefield. Strategising on lineups, and playing mind games on world chat. The group I am in is usually 2nd in ranking, with all the top spenders in one top group. There was this particular fight, when three of us happened to run a whole field of lightning/konoha/sword ninjas with crazy synergy. Our chief strategist somehow saw our individual lineups and put us together. I expressed my doubt at taking the 8 point field with just 3 of us and no backups. He expressed his confidence in us. We were only the mid-tier guys in the group, and we didn't exactly plan to be together but hey, it was going to be a fun first outing together. We had all the buffs, guy, mifune, iruka, with Darui, and a backup Sasuke barrier, and myself with Sasuke SSN. The interrupts all went in perfection, we could paralyze the entire enemy field.

After a bloody first battle, we thought that hey we all survived pretty well, the dreaded loading screen reappeared, announcing the second field of ninjas. It was the top group's second wave of mid-tier guys. Being evenly matched in BP, our synergy gave us the edge, and we lose a couple of ninjas in the fight. While we anticipated the world announcements to herald our victory, the loading screen came on instead T_T By then it was 15-20 minutes in or so, and our tensioned, weary selves were dragged into the third field. The other fields had finished, and our 8 point field was the deciding factor.

The last wave of mid-tiered guys were brutal, and my comrades lost their teams, valiantly wearing down the opponents ninja by ninja. I managed to somehow keep going, with Sailor Sakura sustaining Sasuke SSN with her dramatic heals, pulling him back from near single digit HP levels a few times. Perhaps they had some weird romantic synergy going on. While the enemies wasted their combo-less, chase-less strikes against Sasuke SSN, the lightning main slowly whittled down their teams, stroke by stroke, ninja by ninja. We ended at round 8/9, when Sasuke decided enough was enough, as Susanoo decided to dump one last arrow on the remaining team. The cries of anguish on world chat were something to behold "LM is OP", "Sasuke SSN is OP", mixed with the crazy cheers of frenzied orange lines from the group chat. They were shortly replaced then with the customary GG pleasantries, a quite tribute to the shifting winds of war.

Our pack rewards that day were opened, a momentary and paler comparison to the camaraderie we enjoyed that day. This post was last edited by Khaela at 2017-7-9 12:55
Quicky Post

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