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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 2
On 2017-07-07 23:32:07Show All Posts
UID: 200000087917113
Server ID: S83:Hiashi Hyuga
Character Name: Aika
Most Unforgettable Moment: Long story short - Girl and I were texting for some time and out of nowehere she asked if I play Naruto Online. Ofc I said yes cuz I actually did play it (still playing it). We started to talk about it more often and one day I asked her if she wants to play with me. She accepted the invite and we started to play together. She is living in USA so we have a time difference and yes it's a bit tricky to play but we still manage. Lemme get back to the point.
So we started texting more often, doing things together and it just started to "grow" (if I can say it like that). Now we are together, and I'll see her in August this year. (btw I'm from Croatia so its really tricky but we are managing. Naruto is doing his tricks ;) )

Also ppl from the Group they are really nice not only from the group but from the whole server and yeah there are some "nasty ppl" but still its enjoyable to play this game with different ppl from different countries. I dont know what to say ppl who likes Naruto should def. try this one.
Keep up the good work :)
Quicky Post

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