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[ Events ] Anniversary Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 26
  • Posts: 290
On 2017-07-20 02:20:14Show All Posts
It's your anniversary, and you give out these prizes? it's not even worth trying nor competing, just 5 cave keys, 100 coupons, and only 1 seal scroll, and purification runes? seriously? I have collected tons of purification runes and I do not use because I need protection OG? give at least a special ninja at 4-5 stars maybe, stuff that players that have been logged in or registered in a particular time could receive free stuff in a moderate 10 or 20 cave keys, some ninja fragments maybe of your own choosing, and not some lame starting ninjas, but for collection purpose maybe.

Jeez, from all the free to play games I have played and experienced the gifts and amazing events on the anniversary of that game, this is the worst and most pathetic, seriously pathetic prizes.

Disappointed and no respect towards players, so no respect in return.

P.S. If you dare to call this even an Anniversary event, then I suppose I dare to call one day in Naruto Online as daily personal anniversary day since I can get the same stuff just by playing daily, but in larger quantities... wtf Oasis...
This post was last edited by smaddeus at 2017-7-20 02:23
Quicky Post

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