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[ Events ] Anniversary Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
  • Posts: 11
On 2017-07-08 01:12:50Show All Posts
UID: 200000093720670
Server ID: S237 Lightning Blade
Character Name: Luaness
Most Unforgettable Moment: This one will need a story to fully understand my feelings.

Around Christmas - 2 most powerful ppl in my Group Drakula left the game and became a leader. Over time our server was slowly dying which was painful to watch (during that time i renamed my group to HikariGakure). So after months of waiting for merge i took initiation to my own hands. I created alts on closest servers and gathered info and friends. Then i created special merge request and we had a merge. (after merge) A lot of strong groups were trying to grab strong players for themselves etc. I decided to stay in my group with my members which lead us to the moment when i realized that my group never betrayed me. That is the most unforgettable moment which is still continuing. We are weaker than others but we are together and we are still having fun. I am really grateful for that.

Best regards,
Quicky Post

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