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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-09 16:20:18Show All Posts
User id : 200000104557954 Server: Gaara S6 My most unforgettable moment while playing naruto is when i was waiting for a friend to join my team to fight a sealed ninja so im just standing there waiting for awhile so i went to walk towards the sealed ninja and found out my friend was there the whole time but had been turned into a slug and i was standing on him the whole time lol and im earth main so i didnt see him he thought the who time i was waiting for a third person then some other team runs up and steals our sealed so we go and find two more and beat them go back thru where the other sealed was in training field the team that took it from us was still there trying to kill it lol so i offered them my help even thoe my two were done for the day and we beat it :)
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