2017-07-06 23:05:38
look like someone missed comprehension
No, you need better writing skills.
For example, what is this supposed to mean?
"...for exampe 30k power ranking brack 56, 57 and so on..."
I mean, I get the general gist of your idea, but as far as detail goes, it's a mess.
I'm also curious as to what you are using for viewing and posting on the forum. I know chrome have spell checks, it helps me a lot because I frequently spell words wrong. In fact, I actually typed example wrong exactly like you did, in the exact same way, but chrome caught it. It would help you as well.
As for your idea, I agree to a limited extend.
As it stands, there IS participation reward for the top 30k, which should suffice to catch all active players.
Personally, I feel that when there isn't a participation reward, then the competitive reward should cover ~25-50% of the population. Whereas when there is participation reward, 10-25% should suffice.
Given that, if your server cluster contains more than 1280 active* player, it should be split up somehow. I know this might be a problem for some clusters, but I'm also sure it is not so for all clusters.
Active: my definition of an active player is one who completes all daily quest everyday and, on average, miss no more than 2 of (including 2 of the same event) fox, sage, GNW, masuri, cat quiz each week. Do SA(if needed, I'm done with medium thread so I don't) weekly and convoy/plunder daily.
You'd be surprised at how few truly active players there are.
Now, exemption for level-suppressor must be made, for them, an active player is one who completes but not necessarily receive the daily quest rewards and can miss all the fox, as fox grants exp which might be undesirable (I'm not entirely sure if any of them lightly tap the fox for the magatama&coupon, since exp scale with damage if they only do like 1000 damage, it should be fine.)
Anyway, I am against the mentality of everyone should get stuff. I especially don't condone giving free stuff to players who aren't really trying. Granted, given the current way stuff are set up, players that work hard in later server might still not get stuff where as lazy ones in earlier server might. Unfortunately, I have no immediate solution as to how to discern that, except narrowing down the server range which will have its own problems.