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[ Help ] Why are people so impatient for this 3.0 update?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-06 00:11:04Show All Posts
Idk where you heard that it's f2p there are hyping, don't just make stuff up or that it's because of Han/Tobi/Minata but personally for me biggest things to look forward too are not the the ninjas.

1. Sage World give rewards to top 10 not top 3
2. Ninja exams to 180
3. All pains in exchange shops + Sakura/papa Shika, i have hundreds of thousands unspent coins waiting
4. lvl 95 level cap, more story
5. Costumes finally show in fight
6. Blacklist should properly block people now
7. *Maybe* tactic pages in group activity, Germany had this before 3.0, but just wishful thinking on my part that we get it about now lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-06 06:10:37Show All Posts
Note: This post has been filtered by Daiske (Administrator)
It's what China got and Germany, our updates are like 95% similar, there has been few minor differences but most of changes were the same.

You can log onto German forum with same details you use here, because it's also published by oasis and just look at their update thread to see all new stuff that's coming in 3.0.
Quicky Post

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