You can try a cursed mark team with Kimimaro, Kabuto, Kidomaru and maybe Ukon Sakon.
You can try sort of a female team with Sasuke Playboy with GNW Tenten and Hinata along with water main running Poison Tai probably. If not mabui would have been a good pair with GNW Tenten.
You can try some sort of wind team with Gaara Iruka Naruto and GNW Kankuro perhaps.
Not sure where I'm going with this, but I like the shields that can be provided for some sort of control tanky team with Kimimaro, Kurenai, Ningendo and Kabuto.
I have no idea whether the combo works together or not. You might end up having to tweak the teams a little. Just working on this based on the list of ninjas on top and how I feel they could possibly work well together in a team.