2017-07-03 21:07:53
The main question about 3.0 are two:
1) Do we get finally the modification of the damage formula so that damage/resistance/hp matters way more than they do now? (aka do lightning blitz team cease to nuke everything on par power? also tank teams that should be made exactly to endure them and right now don't do?)
2) Do we get the new arena so that ceases to be impossible to reach sage of six paths rank?
Other things are mostly secondary, but i'm looking forward this.
These sound like good suggestions. As for the arena, idk where I can post this suggestion but I think the current arena points system (with a -1 every loss) disincentivizes people to even enter the arena. What would be a better points system would be to have no penalty for a loss, ie. not losing any points for a loss but to stay at your current point. My reasoning for this is that you're not taking two steps back for every loss but just one. Giving out -1 per loss significantly reduced the amount of players who even want to enter arena, and that's a collateral toll on players waiting for a match every 15 minutes in ranked arena.