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Does your people on server hate each other ?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 18
  • Posts: 78
On 2017-07-04 01:49:45Show All Posts
My group S214-Knight is a very chill and cool group ever in merged server... we think logic and not being drama king and queen. But there's a few group from other server hate us cause we win GNW in past few GNW. There's time when we get streak lose after merged, but we didn't get so dramatic lah and said in world chat then the world chat become a drama itself. We just do our best again next time. After they win they so happy chat in world chat while Knight just said congrats, GGWP and something XD but when they get lose they get so dramatic in world chat said we get strong player lah, blah blah... =.=
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