2017-06-28 22:15:25
Roster growth means free coupons.
GNW Kiba was a good ninja for those that do not have sage naruto, especially new servers
When I first started GNW Kankuro was the monthly and he is used to help pass a lot of the ninja exams
People just like to complain because they are behind the screen. Nothing we can do about it except laugh at them getting mad over a game.
Those are the two I have ever used for any serous reason.
Kankuro was actually on my main team for a while, as I am wind main and I needed ignition against earth(1.0 earth) and water. Now it have been replaced by Mei but would still be a useful ninja for many.
GNW Kiba is useful in fox for newbs too. He deals solid damage and have a high combo chase. (and of the common, easy to get manual barrier users, Yamato is best suited for fox, and kiba is earth so works with that)