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[ Bugs ] Sasuke with warrior killing intent issue


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 02:43:42Show All PostsDescending Order
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Warrior killing intent, the midnight blade passive states at the beggining of a battle increase the attack of up to 3 sword-bearing ninjas from your team by 40% and reset the cooling down of mystery skills for 5 rounds when a mystery skill defeats a unitnow, when using sasukes kirin jutsu which since the skill books update has a new 3 round cooling time, however if you have the above stated passive, this should reset on a kill, but does not(tested on ao and naruto clones) in my testing the jutsu did not reset and instead remained at the 3 round cooldown thus making this passive ineffective did not reset the cooling time and remained and it remained at 3 seconds, is this functioning as intended? it seems as a bug to not reset the cooldown, my sasuke is +1 on kirin, havent got another light main to test on
is this due to the first step and second step of the jutsu having seperated cooldown timers? if so then it should still reset cooldown timers regardless! thank you for your time reading~
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 03:08:34Show All Posts
  • Azzakye On 2017-06-27 03:00:06
  • What is confusing is that it probably did reset the cooldown timer but not to the barrier but instead the second mystery of kirin.

    I do coding so I assume they took the easy road and made barrier type mysteries that have a second active act like a second mystery.
this is my original assumption as to the issue as well, though its still a bug if this is the case and should be fixed at some point
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 05:11:42Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-06-27 03:16:06
  • They DO have separate cooldown. releases have cd of 1 while barrier 3.

    I dunno how WKI works, but I know that dance SHOULD reset both (tested with haku, turn 1 haku barrier, turn 2 dance THEN haku release, haku is able to cast barrier again). But it doesn't work for sasuke (and I imagine Gaara), as the same sequence result in cd 3 sasuke barrier.

    So either one of the following two could be happening:
    WKI only resets the release and not the barrier (since it specifies the kill mystery is the one that is reset, as opposed to dance which is 'all")
    WKI did reset the barrier, but then the release sets the barrier to 3....

    To tell which it is, you'd need a different barrier, to see if the release of the barrier killing things would reset the barrier itself. I'm not entirely sure how WKI works on the reset part, does it only do it for swords or does it work for any ninja? If it's just swords, then I'm afraid you can't find out now, as sasuke is the only one. But if it's any ninja, you could try Anko (sasuke/gaara are bugged, haku can't kill, jirobo/yamato don't have releases.... so... not much choice)
sadly its swords only which makes it the issue for only sasuke, these recent changes lead to very confusing mechanic conflictions and trying to figure it out for the best way to run ninjas with these unstated changes is somewhat confusing.....

are you suggesting that i enter a scenario with 2 barrier casters, cast sasuke turn 1, cast the second barrier turn 2 then cast sasuke again after the barrier has dissapeared to see if it affects the cooldown?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 21:25:52Show All Posts
  • Azzakye On 2017-06-27 19:12:43
  • For what I understand about coding is that killing intent worked fine as the 2 parts of Sasuke Kirin are technically 2 different Mystery so the second part did reset but the main barrier mystery did not
the issue with this is that the barrier still maintains but you cant recast kirin, so it must of reset the barrier not the actual jutsu, will post a video if requested, or that the switch between the 2 seperate parts is confusing the system
Quicky Post

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