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[ Events ] Lucky Star Wheel (Tendo drop rare)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 06:46:31Show All PostsDescending Order
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Truth is I got really lucky and got Tendo 3 times in chase missions (1 fragment per mission as expected) and now assuming I finish ultimate training (I need 4 more from there) I'll have 79 fragments. I saw this lucky star wheel event that has 5 of his frasgments at a ridiculous price and 1 more that can be dropped from the wheel itself. So far one guy I have talked with needed 30 draws and got that fragment. I don't know anybody else who have done that.
So I'd like to ask if there are people here who have spinned the wheel 30 times or more and if they got that fragment. Also if there are people who got that fragment with either more or less spins I'd like them to share their luck here. I still can't decide if it's worth spending my coupons here or not so first I wanna have an idea about the drop rate based on other player's experiences. I'm a free player but answers from all f2p or p2w are welcome.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 08:09:45Show All Posts
  • Astalliana On 2017-06-26 07:28:31
  • I don't think a free player should spend their coupons on hopefully getting a fragment for a ninja.
Makes sence but I'm saving coupons just for that. So far I have paid coupons to get playboy Sasuke (last 10 fragments), sage Jiraya (last 7 fragments), Tenten great ninja war (first 30 and last 30 to get her to 3 stars), sage Naruto (last 45 fragments I redeemed from mission boxes and got Sasori 100 puppets along with it so it was a good investment). But it's different knowing the price per fragment and not having any idea at all about it (in this case) so that's why I'm asking. I'm willing to pay up to 800 but I want to be sure to get what I'm looking for.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 09:24:37Show All Posts
  • "The Crowley" On 2017-06-26 08:16:30
  • F2p as well if your one frag away it is def worth trying to go for the one piece spin bc you could use stars to get medium refines for more power while your trying to get one tendo frag
I know although I'm more interested in tha fragment rather than anything else. I have been saving refines for months already. So before going on a spending spree I wanna see some drop rate examples. Well...if possible.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 06:29:57Show All Posts
Thank you all for sharing your experiences and/or thoughts about this. Apparently the drop rate is rather small and onlu a few people get a fragment easily to deceive the rest of us. I agree that I could get refines so it wouldn't be a complete waste but I'll choose not to since I've got enough refines so far and this Tenfo fragment is what conserns me mostly. Thanks again people for sharing your thoughts. :D
Quicky Post

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