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[ Ninja Profile ] Pain - Tendo - Ninja Discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-15 22:32:26Show All Posts
German player here. I use Tendo for Sageworld, Ranked, GNK, Raum-Zeit and I finish in top 5 almost every time regardless of what the mode is. I think the main reason behind that is not because I'm super geared, I'm lvl 86 with 65k BP and ranked 36 in my server which is not that much compared to the people I play with in pvp. I win because Tendo is actually extremely powerful when used with the correct 8 gates settings and the correct ninjas to back him up and I don't mean the stereotypical chakra dummy 3,4 talents blitz main with konan and gakido. I mean a good ol' high mooded lighting, Mabui, Bee (7), Tendo team. This team allows you a 1st slot combo starter with cleanse/heal that triggers 2 times in 1 round for 2 consecutive rounds that also gives a total of 100 chakra in round 1 allowing your main to perform either 1,3 or 4 mystery along with Tendo and his mystery. You also get a 6k+ shield on your Bee and your main is free to choose whatever play style he sees fit. You can go for single target assassination 4 standards LB with his 3rd mystery or you can go for his 1st mystery that I might add does so much dmg that it almost guarantees to kill someone combined with tendo's ult and the following chases in the first round. What makes this team good is with lighting's 2nd passive that resets mystery cd's for sword bearing ninjas if killed by it, you get to combo a selected enemy with Tendo's ult and then finish them off with your main's 1st mystery then you can do it again in the next round. Also the fact that Tendo allows you to combo a selected target in the 1st round is absolutely op hello!? Also the room for counter play against this team is reduced to minimum because even if your opponent has an interrupter in 1st or 2nd slot (e.g. ao or w/e) assuming he'll try to interrupt your tendo, or stop Bee from buffing Mabui all you gotta do as Bee is wait for him to derp and use "Yo" after that and for Tendo you gotta make sure that you don't use your mystery before you're sure that he either doesn't have an interrupt or he doesn't have enough chakra to cast it. If they go ahead and seal Tendo before you cast his ult you hope that they go through the shield so Mabui can heal/dispell him or you just make sure that Tendo's with the lowest HP in your team, that way Mabui will automatically dispell him even if he's not hurt. Since your main will be rank 4 you c*so bait them into using their interrupts on your main instead of Tendo by casting your main's 1st mystery on their interrupter, that way he'll be immediately forced to either use his interrupt on you or use it on Tendo and what ends up happening is he either goes for Tendo and seals him away and therefore you seal his interrupter away after that but then Mabui dispells tendo allowing him to cast ult anyway i.e he fuks up, or he goes for your main which leaves you and his interrupter both on cd but you still win cause Mabui will probably dispell your main anyway and tendo is untouched and ready to drop his ult on them. There is a 3rd option where they have something like Obito (mask) and Susanoo Itachi when they chaos/sleep/disable your mabui and totally fk you over but that almost never happens. The mystery bait thing I use when i know my opponent is waiting for me to cast Tendo's mystery so he can interrupt it, but when u do that he'll be forced to act or get his interrupter sealed. You gotta be careful with ao/water teams tho, they're rather hard to deal with cause if you try to bait ao's mystery and your opponent is skilled enough he wont derp and rush ao's mystery, instead he'll wait until after you seal his ao so his main can dispell him and seal tendo afterwards. There is also a high chance that he might not even react to your bait because "why would he seal my ao when there's chojuro and mei in my team?!". If they don't have an interrupter then go full aggro on his highest priority target and oneshot him straight up in the first round. Out of all the popular teams out there the auto braindead mei, gnk tenten, mabui team will be the toughest to deal with but then again this team is absolutely broken so it's not entirely your fault if you lose. You just gotta think and outplay when you run this team, this is not braindead auto Mei, GNW Tenten, Mabui, Water type sh*t.

Bee - x - x
x - x - x
Main - Tendo - Mabui

Talents: 12232 (or sword passive)
Summon: Rhino
65% attack on LB
61% nin on Tendo
53% resists on Mabui
57% attack on Bee (I change his mood from attack to hp or resists a lot)

*side note* The lighting, konan, gakido team with talents 3,4 is literally the easiest team to counter imo. it just has too many weak spots and as I said you lose a lot of dmg potential by making your lighting a chakra dummy for tendo.

This post was last edited by upp*** at 2017-7-16 19:43 This post was last edited by upp*** at 2017-7-16 19:44
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-15 23:21:11Show All Posts
  • warhubs On 2017-07-15 22:51:18
  • whoa, thx for the detailed line up and tactic upp***, gonna try it later XD
This whole idea is not mine :D I'm just reposting.

This post was last edited by upp*** at 2017-7-20 03:34
Quicky Post

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