I don't use any extremely rare or P2W ninjaHanzo
The easiest
Start the challenge, put yourself in automatic fight, that's all !

Exception : On Shizune & Karin if Kakashi launches a combo with its standard attack, Make Retreat and restart
It's Classic Sai
Time for 6 runs : Very good (Less than 15 minutes)
Number of rounds : Average (9 or 10 max)
Score : Average (Between 3400 and 3500)
It is a variant of a team already known
But with my team, no death, better score
And everyone has Kakashi

Observation: On the 3rd wave Darui is better on Kakuzu
Exception : On the 3rd wave if Kakuzu and Hidan don't die in one round, Make Retreat and restart
Time for 6 runs : Average (Around 30 minutes)
Number of rounds : Very good (5 or 6 max)
Score : Very good (Between 4350 and 4450)
This becomes more complicated

Time for 6 runs : Average (A little more than 30 minutes)
Number of rounds : Average (Between 7 and 10 max)
Score : Good (Between 4100 and 4200)
A variant with Chojuro instead Mifune
Less efficient but also works
Same skills and same technique

The most complicated

Time for 6 runs : Average (Around 30 minutes)
Number of rounds : Very average and variable (Between 6 and 11 max)
Score : Average and very variable (Between 3300 and 3700)
A variant with Chojuro instead Mifune
Less efficient but also works
Same skills and same technique
Just swap the position with Tsunade

Very easy
Start the challenge, put yourself in automatic fight !

It's Classic Sai
Time for 6 runs : Good (Around 20 minutes)
Number of rounds : Average (7 or 8 max)
Score : Average (Between 3800 and 4000)
That's all for the moment
I hope this little guide will be useful
Have a good day and a good game all
This post was last edited by Soudard at 2017-6-27 23:47