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[ News ] Events - 22nd June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 22:17:40Show All Posts
  • GoddessNirvana On 2017-06-21 22:14:11
  • nah they wont , they dont care what players think lol
yeah thats why we get a seal rebate, you guys cried all week now we get it and still you cant even wait 3 days
patience is a virtue my friend
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 22:42:44Show All Posts
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 22:44:09Show All Posts
  • PlushKing On 2017-06-21 22:39:58
  • Worth recharge this week or wait? Most likely not spending but concerned about recharge.
platinum recharge and recharge wheel look pretty good combined but i would only if you recharge for the platinum rewards
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 22:45:54Show All Posts
  • Gutsy Shinobi On 2017-06-21 22:44:41
  • this skillbreakthrough system is big lol... 50 hashidaddy frags for only one skillbook :lol :thinking: who will have Sasuke skillbooks in the distant future? ;P
there will be a different system later on where you can spin for skillbook parts with seal scrolls
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 22:47:13Show All Posts
  • PlushKing On 2017-06-21 22:45:34
  • At most I could do both first and second slot of rewards For a course of 7 days, I'm not heavy, mostly moderate. So would that still be good?
if you want killer bee (a really good ninja especially with the jinchuriky treasure) i think its a really good deal
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 23:23:11Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2017-06-21 23:14:29
  • " All available ninja will be shown in the Breakthrough interface. At the moment, 6 ninjas can have their skills broken through!"
    never thought i'd say this to the slowest games company ive ever witnessed, but it would be better if you had waited. In a game that already has no balance whatsoever and every single pvp event just caters to big spenders, releasing an update that can only enhance 6 characters is * especially given the characters that get the enhancements first.

    Tobirama- only available to richest players, been playing for little over a year now, never missed an event yet ive only ever seen 1 player with him
    Hashirama- anyone that has him is either rich or incredibly lucky, similar to above ive only seen maybe 6 people with him, and thats after my server was merged with 6 others and sage battlefield was made crossserver.
    Sasuke- he is already part of the laziest most tedious teams in the game, root teams.

    Making rare and/or overpowered characters like those above the first ones available to get this latest boost and making the boost cost so many frags is going to make the game even more dull and going to do absolutely FA for free players and will not change the fact that 95% of players use root.

    Genuine question, do the people that make these kinds of decisions know anything about gaming, let alone MMO's. I have never witnessed a company consistently release "updates" to a game where every sinle one makes the game less fair, less balanced,less varied, more tedious and so ridiculously overpriced it would be cheaper to take up a drug habit.

    I've already stopped taking part in sage battlefield, matsuri, stopped trying to rank up in arena because without spending £1000+ it is literally not possible to compete with the people I get "matched" with. Now the skillbooks are coming, but not in the same manner or price as in the forieng versions, and theres rumours of gnw being made cross server in the near future there is nothing left for people like myself to do in the game
    This post was last edited by j-t*** at 2017-6-21 23:19
im really interrested in what server you playing cause you saying noone uses Hashirama and everyone plays root with sasuke, because im on S17 and yes there arent a lot who use Hashirama but more than 6 what you said ^^ (mostly with bee and firemain)
to the sasuke comment: i havent seen a normal sasuke in weeks and last time i think was 1 player in sage world using that team but yeah 1 normal sasuke in maybe 1 month
actually its exactly the same version china got in the start and what germany has now, more character will get skill books in time and yes we will get cross server gnw somewhere in the future but if we go at this speed i would say earliest in december this year
This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-6-21 23:25
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 23:33:12Show All Posts
  • GT990 On 2017-06-21 23:26:53
  • Fantastic event, lots of free stuff and most importantly, they really listen to the community, you have to be mature enough to realise.

    - GT990
i agree, i gave the a lot of flac for their past mistakes but i also see they are trying hard these last 2 month This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-6-21 23:34
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On 2017-06-22 00:29:34Show All Posts
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-06-22 00:03:05
  • you giving oasis flak LMFAO dude , you are one of the few people who whiteknight oasis every day on the forum and now u say you give them flak , i hope they pay you well for those time of comments
oh yeah? pls go through my post/thread history before you post bs
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-22 00:32:22Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-06-22 00:04:51
  • Honestly the events look great!

    Lots of free stuff for f2p, even the time limited recruitment which is a good way to get new ninja frags.

    When we didn't get a refine rebate this week we knew that the coming week would not have it. They were always going to wait for lucky board week for that event. Hey it gives you more time to hoard those refines. Might even try to get a ninja tool to lvl 9 we will see.

    This is my first time seeing lucky stars. But i know its reputation, plus what happened before with rng wheels in this game. On top of that there are tendo frags. This looks VERY suspect but will give the benefot of the doubt for now. I hope that they realized that rigging the odds so much against us is counter productive but we will see.

    Finally for those complaining about the seal rebate starting on sunday... really? Its 3 more days it doesn't change anything!!! This is not complaining, its whining.
yeah the reputation is bad and for a reason, i wouldnt spend coupons on those lucky wheel like events, maybe if you really like something from the star redeem stuff but imo those are the worst events and not worth spending coupons
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-22 00:45:48Show All Posts
  • Test Ninja On 2017-06-22 00:39:32
  • Well, good events, but with a few bad new.

    Still no update announced to the shops, give us something to spend our points on, over 2 months since Konan. This should be a monthly feature, we are way behind any older version when it comes to this.

    Still no refinement event, it will also be 2 months without it.

    Nice to see skill books comming, but a bit to early if you ask me. With them released seems like Kakashi will be the monthly ninja for July with his skillbooks, which means GNW Sakura won't be released as login just yet and we will keep waitting. Also unless you are swimming in frags of Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura the skillbooks are useless, prepare at least 80+ frags for each book.

    Still no mood scrolls in the wheel.
im pretty sure we get the same skillbook prices as germany and for them its 100 fragments for chases and 150 fragments for mysteries -> so for sasuke its 400 fragments to fully skillbreak him
Quicky Post

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