2017-06-15 23:57:13
A well mooded kimimaro could always end up the last to die in your team, surviving against blitz etc. (Unless the opponents power is way higher) You can try a team that uses mifune buff-removing mystery to inject immobile etc to the opponent, especially against root teams. A more common ninja used with him would be KK
Gaara (which also have a field that buffs him) but since you don't have him, something like kinkaku or ginkaku or anyone else could work.
Sasuke works well against kage barrier ninjas, especially if you have generally low initiative. I personally use him quite a fair bit now, but haven't seen much people use mifune and sasuke together.
You can try a blitz team without barrier, which follows up on mifune second round. That could be a viable option for you.
I'm a free to play player and as a result I can't really invest much into it, currently Kimimaro's mood is set on +21% HP, it's decent but not enough, especially when facing people that are way higher than me in power.
Today was a good example of that in sage world battlefield, while I was running Kimimaro, any generic Sage Naruto team would run over me (I'm level 76, 30k BP), because they have 10k more BP and a heavy hitter that happens to deal extra damage to my entire team. I switched to Mifune, and I was actually able to defeat an identical team with ~1k BP more than the previous one, just because Mifune survived to get off his mystery, which in return filled his HP to 75% and allowed him to soak a lot more damage.
When it comes to people around my power level, I have no problem what so ever, the fights usually end by round 3, that's why I want to find a team that even with low BP can be effective in defeating unsuspecting high BP teams.