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[ Events ] Events - 15th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-15 01:44:01Show All Posts
You guys are very funny....when jins treasure has not released, you guys complained about how German server is faster th* and shouting for new treasure. the jins treasure finally comes up , you guys complain about no sealed scroll rebate? Can't you wait until the new events comes out? Does waiting make your brain cell die?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-15 06:39:52Show All Posts
Tbh, ppl who think roshi *s in this meta is out of mind or they just disdain p2p ninja in order to boost f2p ninja. To determine whether roshi is a meta ninja or not, the first thing you need to look at is the skill combo and potential power he get once he equipped all the runes, charm and best magatama. In this case, Roshi is an excellent front line ninja and even better than any other ninja that worth 220 sealed scroll value(If I have no mistake). For those f2p, even if you get Roshi from jink treasure, he is squishy like a piece of paper as you don't have enough high-power rune and charm/ money to feed this character. For those ppl who think Roshi is a "meta-end ninja", plz check your bank account if you have enough money to feed this character. Roshi is just p2p's toy, not relevant to f2p.
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