Views: 1242 | Replies: 7
[ Suggestions ] stop making new servers


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-15 10:26:24Show All Posts
  • Mito U On 2017-06-15 08:34:23
  • dont you know oasis wants everyone to have their own server so its just one player on each server so they make cross-server group ,wars etc . they dont care about their customers
That isn't true my man. I understand your frustration but please try to remember that servers are set up to be produced after a set amount of time, and this process is nearly 100% automatic.

Naruto Online isn't the only browser game to practice this either. That being said, you should know that Oasis -does- care about it's players because unlike other browser games Oasis tries to merge servers with similar power and age. This is what really makes the process of merging take longer.

But, I'm sure the team is aware of the need and I believe steps are being taken to ensure faster merges in the future.
Quicky Post

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