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[ Bugs ] Weird Immobile-Blind interraction bug!


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On 2017-06-10 02:50:35Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't know if this is how it suppose to be but this thing made me lose few times so i had to adress this bug:
There are some standard rules from what i've seen so far:
1.If you immobile oponent before he does his normal attack, and he cleanse it after his normal attack turn end, after the cleanse he don't do his normal attack anymore .
2.If you blind-sleep-chaos(*only few that don't do standard attacks while in chaos ex: sailor sakura, chojuro), even if their standard attack turn past, after cleanse they still do it!
and there we come to the bug problem:
If you do for example my combo - blind then immobile, even if enemy turn have past, after cleanse they will still do their standard attack, making the immobile status normal interraction from point 1. completly useless.And only happends when you blind then stun!
Hope you guys going to look into this, since something is wrong there.
ps:Sorry for my bad english
Also this bug happend usualy when i was using this team:
Sage Jiraya-Ao-Fire main (blind chase)-Danzo ( haven't try to swap danzo with fire main to see if the problem still the same, I'm going to do it and update the post later)
This post was last edited by Indefined at 2017-6-10 02:51
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On 2017-06-10 02:58:53Show this Author Only
I'm so glad somebody else noticed this!
I am not quite sure how the cleansing works but it happens to me that opponent's units move after being healed even though their standard attack phase happened before.
Usually it happens with Mei - Mabui - Tenten - Water team, as I combo and immobile Mabui before her standard, she gets healed by water main, somehow does her standard attack and gives 40 chakra for Tenten to attack. Kinda annoying... This post was last edited by Xerneis at 2017-6-10 03:00
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On 2017-06-10 03:05:16Show this Author Only
Ok, done testings and test all 3 posibilites:
1. chase blind then immobile, after cleanse ninja done standard attack
2. chase immobile then blind , after cleanse ninja done standard attack
3. only immobile, after cleanse ninja done no standard attack,
so as i said, blind bugs immobile passing the standard attack in that round.
Hope you guys going to fix this problem soon;)
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On 2017-06-10 03:09:30Show this Author Only
  • Xerneis On 2017-06-10 02:58:53
  • I'm so glad somebody else noticed this!
    I am not quite sure how the cleansing works but it happens to me that opponent's units move after being healed even though their standard attack phase happened before.
    Usually it happens with Mei - Mabui - Tenten - Water team, as I combo and immobile Mabui before her standard, she gets healed by water main, somehow does her standard attack and gives 40 chakra for Tenten to attack. Kinda annoying... This post was last edited by Xerneis at 2017-6-10 03:00
Yea there i've noticed the bug also, but i've try it on dieferent ninjas, so it doesen't mather the ninja but the blind-immobile intereaction.I think i know why this happends, the cleanse priority order goes like this
Immobile-Chaos-Sleep-Blind-ignite-poison etch each type of debuff have its own tier.
So what might happend is this:
The algorithm remove immobile first since its first priority then , it sees the ninja with the blind stats wich might trigger the bug and make him do his standard attack even if his phase past.
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On 2017-06-10 04:42:37Show this Author Only

What kind of cleanse are you using?
Depending on if it's a single debuff clear, or 2-all debuff clear, it will change the result (if you clear all, removing Blind from your ninja will result in "making up" for the lost standard attack, if you clear one, you shouldn't do any standard at all, due to Blind and Immobile still being in place.)
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On 2017-06-10 15:04:01Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-10 04:42:37
  • Hello,

    What kind of cleanse are you using?
    Depending on if it's a single debuff clear, or 2-all debuff clear, it will change the result (if you clear all, removing Blind from your ninja will result in "making up" for the lost standard attack, if you clear one, you shouldn't do any standard at all, due to Blind and Immobile still being in place.)
I used all. but thats not what its important, the fact that:
1.if you use only immobile after cleanse no more standard attack
2.if you use immobile and blind after cleanse they do the normal attack
Why blind ruins immobile power? It shoudn't happend it makes no sense , because it forces you to not use blind in combo with immobile since 1 cleanse and the immobile stats=0 , while without blind , after cleanse they don't do normal attack.
Just give me a reason why that is right?
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On 2017-06-10 19:15:18Show this Author Only
  • Indefined On 2017-06-10 15:04:01
  • I used all. but thats not what its important, the fact that:
    1.if you use only immobile after cleanse no more standard attack
    2.if you use immobile and blind after cleanse they do the normal attack
    Why blind ruins immobile power? It shoudn't happend it makes no sense , because it forces you to not use blind in combo with immobile since 1 cleanse and the immobile stats=0 , while without blind , after cleanse they don't do normal attack.
    Just give me a reason why that is right?
It's just a game mechanic, Blind, if cleansed, allows you to use your missed standard attack, and the same applies for Chaos and Sleep.
Immobile on the other hand, is a bit different, in a way that it won't allow you to make up for it.
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On 2017-06-11 00:08:56Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-10 19:15:18
  • It's just a game mechanic, Blind, if cleansed, allows you to use your missed standard attack, and the same applies for Chaos and Sleep.
    Immobile on the other hand, is a bit different, in a way that it won't allow you to make up for it.
Do you even read what i've said before, i apply blind and immobile, why the immobile mechanic is ignored in favour of blind?
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On 2017-06-11 00:26:04Show this Author Only
ive noticed the same as well immobile is bugged atm
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On 2017-06-11 01:56:22Show this Author Only
  • Indefined On 2017-06-11 00:08:56
  • Do you even read what i've said before, i apply blind and immobile, why the immobile mechanic is ignored in favour of blind?
What I meant was, when you remove both, the removal of Blind makes it so you are able to apply a standard attack. Immobile just doesn't have this, so to call it, "additional effect", of allowing to make up for standard attacks.
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On 2017-06-11 16:09:38Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-11 01:56:22
  • What I meant was, when you remove both, the removal of Blind makes it so you are able to apply a standard attack. Immobile just doesn't have this, so to call it, "additional effect", of allowing to make up for standard attacks.
Yes , but my question is why immobile effect is ignored in favor of blind ? from what i know immobile is better than blind, what you say right now its something like this:
If you have ignite and heal, ignite is removed but no heal
but if you have ignite and poison and remove both at the same time, you remove ignite and heal , because with poison you can heal......makes no sense right?Atleast let devs know about this problem and let them decide if its intended to work like this or it is just a bug.
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On 2017-06-11 22:43:08Show this Author Only
  • Indefined On 2017-06-11 16:09:38
  • Yes , but my question is why immobile effect is ignored in favor of blind ? from what i know immobile is better than blind, what you say right now its something like this:
    If you have ignite and heal, ignite is removed but no heal
    but if you have ignite and poison and remove both at the same time, you remove ignite and heal , because with poison you can heal......makes no sense right?Atleast let devs know about this problem and let them decide if its intended to work like this or it is just a bug.

Please do not worry, I have forwarded it just in case to be looked into, if it turns out to be a bug, it should be fixed. For now I'm waiting for the result, while presenting the outlook how it works out.

Have a nice day :)
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On 2017-06-12 03:58:37Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-11 22:43:08
  • Hello,

    Please do not worry, I have forwarded it just in case to be looked into, if it turns out to be a bug, it should be fixed. For now I'm waiting for the result, while presenting the outlook how it works out.

    Have a nice day :)
Good to hear that ;)
Let me know what devs said about this problem, have a nice day!
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On 2017-06-12 06:31:47Show this Author Only
  • Xerneis On 2017-06-10 02:58:53
  • I'm so glad somebody else noticed this!
    I am not quite sure how the cleansing works but it happens to me that opponent's units move after being healed even though their standard attack phase happened before.
    Usually it happens with Mei - Mabui - Tenten - Water team, as I combo and immobile Mabui before her standard, she gets healed by water main, somehow does her standard attack and gives 40 chakra for Tenten to attack. Kinda annoying... This post was last edited by Xerneis at 2017-6-10 03:00
Depends on when you immobilize mabui and on when azure fangs heal her.
If the user casts regenerative healing jutsu together with your combo starting mystery then both your mystery and regenerative healing jutsu are cast BEFORE mabui's standard attack.
In this case you apply the negative status, AF removes it and mabui uses her standard attack and so, before using it, gives 40 chakra.
If, instead, you move first but the AF user isn't quick enough to react (this happens most of the times when the user actually wait to see the icon of the mystery appearing over the enemy ninja) then your action happens before mabui standard attack while his one, if is not fast enough, gets delayed before your 2nd ninja standard attack (if you have higher initiative). In that case mabui wastes her standard attack and so they don't get back the chakra.
What i still have to figure is the interaction with Azure Fang healing justu (the standard attack) because not always the thing work as expected.
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On 2017-06-13 20:17:59Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-06-12 06:31:47
  • Depends on when you immobilize mabui and on when azure fangs heal her.
    If the user casts regenerative healing jutsu together with your combo starting mystery then both your mystery and regenerative healing jutsu are cast BEFORE mabui's standard attack.
    In this case you apply the negative status, AF removes it and mabui uses her standard attack and so, before using it, gives 40 chakra.
    If, instead, you move first but the AF user isn't quick enough to react (this happens most of the times when the user actually wait to see the icon of the mystery appearing over the enemy ninja) then your action happens before mabui standard attack while his one, if is not fast enough, gets delayed before your 2nd ninja standard attack (if you have higher initiative). In that case mabui wastes her standard attack and so they don't get back the chakra.
    What i still have to figure is the interaction with Azure Fang healing justu (the standard attack) because not always the thing work as expected.
Yes, what you say its true , but that's not the point i open this thread about, Qolem understood what i was talking about, now we have to wait for devs decision ;).
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On 2017-06-16 18:25:02Show this Author Only
  • Indefined On 2017-06-13 20:17:59
  • Yes, what you say its true , but that's not the point i open this thread about, Qolem understood what i was talking about, now we have to wait for devs decision ;).
Hi there,

My apologies for the delayed response, as to what's concerning your question, it's intented that this mechanic works like that. Hopefully it clarifies the question :)

Have a nice day ^^
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