1. Server ID: Server 461 : Ichiraku Ramen
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 2 month (7 April 2017)
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 5M
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 :
AVG Top 5 : 32K,
AVG top 10 : 26K, AVG Top 20 : 20k
Powers :
Nine Tail :

Last week there is only 5 player jonied the nine tail and in our top 5. there is 3 player that thinking to quit game. I know our server is new and fresh but its allready dead we cant do matsuri beacuse only 5 player is joining it we dont have arena since server is start. Lasty i dont know if you only look at info or reading this too if you are reading thanks for taking your time and read this im sorry for my broken english.